Chapter 36

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(Credits to the rightful owner.)

Author's P.O.V

Before asking any questions, Chan and Hyunjin first walked to their parents and hugged them. All of the Moon and Baek rulers were pleased to see the soulmates walk in hand in hand and they gave the pair warm smiles.

Then they all settled down silently, the couples sitting beside each other.

"How are you four back so early? Why do you all look so troubled? Everything is okay, right?" Hyunjin questioned worriedly.

Chan could sense Hyunjin's anxiety spiking as he firmly held the younger's hand under the table to comfort him. Chan himself was concerned and curious as he waited for a response.

"We just arrived an hour ago and were talking with your brothers." Queen Junhyun said.

"There is no use of beating around the bush. So we will get to the point. We were proceeding with our meetings at the borders, when our informants had come with some news last night. Haegoon and his son have already reunited and drived our secret troops out of their empire. Thankfully all of our soldiers escaped, safe and sound. But the thing is, the Kangs have started implementing their evil plot." Minlee added.

"That is all eomma, appa and samchons told us when you both entered." Jisung told Hyunjin and Chan.

"What plot?" Chan asked. His tone was dark and heavy as he tried to calm himself down after hearing name of the bastards called Kangs. The ones who dared to hurt his mate and his family.

"They have spread news through all other empires revealing Hyunjin's true identity. About him being a pureblood and your soulmate. You know how every ruler wants to bring down the trueblood either in fear or in jealousy of superior powers from theirs. This time the target is you, Chan. The Kangs are feeding the others with the already existing rumors about your ferocious strength. Haegoon is trying to establish that you might try to take over all other nations if not stopped. This is resulting in all of them feeling threatened. And the most efficient way proposed to them by the Kangs to eliminate that threat is to use Hyunjin as your weakness, since your souls are bound together. To take you down, they must first take Hyunjin down." King Joonsung explained.

"I will kill them before they can even think of harming my mate!" Chan got up as his eyes flickered to red. The pheromones released subconsciously from him due to his anger was overwhelming for everyone in that room.

"Son, you have to calm down. We can't act impulsively, none of us can afford that. This is what they want. To agitate you to such a point you lose control over yourself. Hyunjin is safe here. We all will make sure of that." Jinyoung assured.

Hyunjin squeezed Chan's hand and the older instantly calmed down as he met his mate's eyes. His own eyes resumed to black as he sat down again. Hyunjin's presence was what kept him grounded.

"I can't...ever let anything happen to him...I just..." The pain in Chan's voice made Hyunjin's heart clench.

"None of us will let that happen, son." Minlee told Chan.

"The Baek empire is still without any rulers or princes." Felix said concernedly.

"Shouldn't we return back home then?" Jeongin asked.

"Not right now. It will put the people there in more danger." Jinyoung said, which confused the princes.

"Both of our empires have coordial relations with the most rulers. We have always maintained peaceful policies. But fear is something dangerous, especially when sparked. The Kangs are using this to their advantage. They are gradually getting the armies of other empires to combine with theirs. Now their aim is not to take over any of our homes but to seek revenge and harm our family itself. If any of you are present in the Baek empire they can charge attack there at once. And we all know that the common people there aren't ready for that again. They have gone through immense oppression under the Kangs these past 9 years and it will take more time for them to recover." Joonsung explained.

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