Chapter 3

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Note: In this story wolves don't speak like by using words, they can only howl and all. It's basically a part of their souls, residing in their minds, the human self can sense their emotions. They can only come out when they take the werewolf form. They can mindlink in both forms but that takes time till their wolves fully develop.

Author's P.O.V

The moonlight faded to give way to the sun's rays. The entire palace was awake a little earlier to welcome the Royal guests. The Queen herself was busy with the arrangements as the King talked to the navigators to know about how far the guests have reached.

Jisung and Felix were busy in their own world immersed in what seemed to be a very serious conversation about fruits and horses.

Jeongin was obviously listening to his two older brothers, finding it rather amusing.

While Hyunjin was more restless than ever. The thing that frustrated him the most was that he didn't know the reason behind his own restlessness. He kept pacing around, fidgeting his cold, sweaty fingers, his long blonde hair tied in a messy bun with strands coming out in every direction.

But he couldn't care less about all that. Finally he decided to go to check his special arrangements.

Chan P.O.V

We boarded the ship at around midnight, as it was much easier to travel by water during summers.

Changbin and Minho started bickering again, since they woke up in the morning and I couldn't care less about the topic of disagreement. They fight about literally everything.

Seungminnie was in our parents' chamber, probably discussing another book on warfare with appa. I can imagine eomma screaming at both of them for having no life beyond books.

However, amongst all this, no matter how hard I am trying to distract my mind, I just can't stop the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's not a bad one but it's very overwhelming. It just won't go away and I don't even know the reason behind it! Also my wolf wouldn't stop howling inside my head. So that's a plus.

I, once again tried to busy myself by going to the Captain's wheelhouse *(basically the place where he drives the ship)*. The water seemed to be calm except for the waves and ripples that formed as our ship moved. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful. Quite the opposite of what I was feeling inside.

Oh Moon Goddess! I am back to thinking about it again. Not that I really stopped anyway.

I started a very meaningless conversation with the Captain about the structure of the deck.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the Baek Empire a little before noon.

The place was beyond beautiful. Unlike our home, it was much warmer here. Our palace is on a much higher ground, compared this place. The atmosphere was serene, with greenery decorating the land, and the songs of birds filling the air.

I have no idea what the others were doing, honestly I didn't pay any attention. I was too mesmerized but also overwhelmed by the same feeling in my stomach.

We boarded the Royal carriage sent from the Palace. The Royal guards along with our own, accompanied us of course. The people here were so kind, always bowing, smiling and waving at us, as our carriage passed by them.

It didn't take us long till we reached our destination. As soon as the huge gates to the grounds of the Palace were opened by the guards, we heard cheers and the sound of drums to welcome us.

Our parents led us to the Baek King and Queen, waiting in front of the main Palace gate, with wide smiles on their faces.

After our parents cheerfully greeted each other, they turned to us. I was very happy to see my samchon and sungmo!

I bowed to them and said, "Greetings to the King and Queen!"

I heard Junhyun sungmo laugh warmly.

"Chan ah, you know the rule! How to greet properly!"

I smiled at her and hugged her and samchon too. My brothers followed as well, Seungmin being too excited, which is a rare sight for a calm boy like him indeed.

Minlee samchon patted my back and said, "It's been a while Chan. You have grown stronger than before!" That resulted in all of them heartily laughing together, as I smiled shyly.

Suddenly we heard someone clearning their throat. A young boy, a little younger than Changbin peeked behind a palace worker standing behind the King and Queen. Then another blonde head popped out as well. Me and my brothers looked strangely at them, when I heard eomma speak.

"Oh my babies! Why are you hiding there! Are you excited to see us?"

Then the two blonde heads suddenly came and hugged both my parents, or should I say attacked them with hugs!

"Hyung, what is happening here. It's freaking me out!" I heard Changbin whisper to Minho, not so softly.

"Shut it. I am too tired for this." Minho hissed back.

After what felt like hours the two boys finally climbed down from my parents, both still being clingy to eomma.

Samchon must have noticed our confusion and finally said, "Oh, let me introduce my sons!" He looked at them with so much love and admiration.

"This is Jisung, our second oldest." He pointed at the more hyperactive one.

"Then here is Felix, our Yongbokah!" He introduced the one with the sunshine smile.

"I thought they were twins!" Changbin said.

"Yes, many do too!" Sungmo said with a chuckle.

"And this is Jeongin, our naughtiest and youngest!" He pulled a very shy, young boy about Seungmin's age from behind him.

"I didn't even realise he was hiding there!" Seungmin exclaimed as the three of us brothers agreed and the rest just laughed.

They bowed to us and we bowed back.

Appa started, " This is our oldest, Christopher Chan, our second oldest Minho, then our Changbin ah and the maknae of course, our Seungmin!"

I always loved how pride laced appa's voice when he mentioned us.

We all bowed to each other again.

We were all about to enter the Palace, when I realised.

Jisung is the second oldest! Who is the fourth one?

"Hyung let's go!" Minho said. I must have stopped on my track since everyone was already ahead of us. I nodded at Minho and continued walking.

We were supposed to take rest and meet again at lunch, but Junhyun sungmo insisted on visiting the field outside the throne room first.

We were all confused, even Minlee samchon, but still followed.

As soon as we did, we were all showered with rose petals. When I finally took in the environment, I was mesmerized to say the least. There were flowers of every shade of all colours of the rainbow. It was a lovely garden! Several different coloured butterflies danced around near the flowers. It was truley a sight to the eyes.

But suddenly all of it didn't matter. It was as if I was isolated from the entire world, I was in a complete daze, when I sensed a presence, when I saw him.

He appeared in front of us, and bowed oh so elegantly, he then looked down shyly and smiled, the sweetest smile I have witnessed, as he tried to remove the loose strands of his gorgeous golden locks and hugged my parents.

I could see them talk but could hear nothing at all. It was as if it was all a painting, and he, the muse of the artist, and I was merely a spectator, trying to appreciate the art enough, for nothing seemed to be enough when it came to him.

Then it happened. I was finally brought back to reality, but a much more precious one, as his eyes met mine.


P.s. I hope you are liking the story so far, even though it just started. I will reveal further details about their world in the story itself.

Stay safe! Take care besties <3

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