part 9: Quinn my friend

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⚠️bullying, smoking, abuse, swearing, talking about ED, thinking about SH, and talking about SH⚠️

Y/n's pov

The first thing I did when I got inside the school was to report to the head office.

"Hey Principal Hart, sorry I was really late for school but I think I have a fair excuse" I said as I walked in, Principal Hart looked up and laughed.

"Yeah you do, I will not write home today since you have well a broken nose" Principal Hart answered and le the go.

It was still lunch so I could go in the library until next period.
I got into the library and looked through the books, I ended up on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.
I quickly rented it and went to my drama classroom, since I had drama right after lunch.

Eleanor was in there already.
"Hi Eleanor can I sit in here until Drama?" I asked, Eleanor jumped quite but looked up at me with a smile, that smile quickly dropped when she saw my face.

"Oh my god Y/n what happened! Your nose looks like shit by the way" she half joked half asked, I laughed and sat down in my seat.

"Fell down the stairs lol and broke my nose and why thank you Eleanor answered as I started reading.

Suddenly the school bell rang as I was on page what 45 or something idk.
I packed the book down in my backpack as the door opened and footsteps followed.

"Eww look it's the actress wannabe" the annoying voice of Erica said, laughs followed by her and lots of others.
I looked over at them.

"Oh what's funny Erica, that I know Scarlett johansson and you don't" I sassed back at her, Erica laughed again and turned around to her so called friends.

"Eww look at how ugly she is" I made out of their whispers, the door opened again and some boys walked in, the popular kids are annoying.
When the class was full Erica wen tip to the board.

"Everyone I have something to announce!" She said getting everyone's attention, "Y/n is even more ugly now, she got a 'broken nose'" Erica air quoted with her fingers, the whole class started laughing.

"CLASS CUT IT OUT!" Eleanor yelled making the class shut up, "and you Erica outside now so we can take this under four eyes!" Eleanor said and followed Erica outside.

"Is it turned you look even uglier now Y/n!" The popular boy Levi laughed, I stood up as I hid my head and started walking out of the class with my stuff on my back.

I walked past Eleanor talking with Erica and then past all other classrooms.
I got to the bathroom stalls where I started to take off the cast even though I got told I was only allowed to take it off after 3 weeks.

"Y/N!!" I heard getting yelled through the stalls. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" it sounded once again I didn't try further with taking off the cast instead I walked out of the bathroom to find.

"Quinn?!?" I said as I saw the girl, the funny thing about her is that she dyed her hair like Harley Quinn cause her name is Quinn.

"Y/n are you ok I heard how mean they were" Quinn brought me in for a hug which I accepted.

"Yeah I'm fine my nose ain't bleeding anymore that's good!" I said excited making Quinn laugh.

"wait I gotta ask you something and it's gonna make me sound like I'm using you but seriously like do you really know Scarlett johansson!" Quinn said with a smile all over her face.

"Yeah talked with her here and there wait a second let me check my phone she may have texted me!" I said as I got my phone, I checked it and 'Unknown' had texted me.

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