Chapter 38: Memories

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Ava's POV

God, everything hurts.

I slowly open my eyes and groan when I touch my head. It feels like it's about to explode.

Where the hell am I and how did- fuck.

I quickly get up and my head starts spinning. I ignore it and quickly run to the door in the room and start banging on it.

"Open the door! Please! Open the fucking door!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

I can't do this.

Somebody help me.

I turn myself and rest my body against the door and slowly sit down. I feel tears in my eyes and I quickly shut them before they escape.

I just want to go home.

Suddenly I hear footsteps and the jangling of keys. I stand up and stand to the side of the door and prepare myself for what's about to happen. The door slams open and 3 huge men dressed in all black step in. They have guns in their hands which makes my eyes widen in horror.

I quickly jump on one of them and start to strangle him as he tries to pull me off him. The other two pull out their guns and point them at me. I ignore them and continue to try to take down the gun I'm strangling.

The guy succeeds in pulling me off him and I fall onto the floor. I try to quickly get up but as soon as I look up his gun is placed against my forehead.

"Quite a fight you put on" I hear a voice say.

A voice I wish I could erase from the universe.

I look towards the door to see my father standing in front of it with more men behind him. I narrow my eyes hoping I'm seeing things wrong but it is indeed my father.

"What the hell is going on?" I yell and try to charge toward him but the gun against my forehead stops me from doing so.

"I wouldn't suggest you do that. One word from me and you will die," he says to me as he nods towards his men.

One of them picks me up and drags me out of the room and up the stairs. That's when I realize that I'm at the house that I grew up in. How could I forget these stairs? The same stairs I would get dragged through as a child. The man continued to pull me with my father ahead of us until we reached the living room. He pushed me so I fell to the floor and quickly pointed his gun towards me.

"Wha-what's going?" I ask when I see more men come into the room.

Suddenly multiple gunshots go off outside.

"I don't know, you tell me? Who do you think would risk everything to save you? Who would drop everything and ignore all the risks to save your life?" he said with a chuckle.



Start Song!

"Don't hurt him! I swear I'll kill you if you touch a strand of his hair." I quickly shove the gun away and start running toward my father but just before I'm able to grab him I feel a sharp pain against my head.

I grab my head and groan in pain. I look at my hand and see blood. I turn around to see one of his men with a gun in his hands. He fucking hit me with a gun. I scream in frustration and try to attack him but his men grab me and force me to the floor.

"Stop moving unless you want this bullet to go straight into your husband's head," my father says before pointing his gun towards the door.

I hear men screaming and even more gunshots.

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