Chapter 9: Divine

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Warning: Assault⚠️

Ava's POV

The banging on the door continued, and I could feel my throat constricting as I panicked at what he'll do.

"Ava, let me in! I just wanna talk."


That's what my father had said.

I dropped down to sit against the wall with my hands on my ears and body curled up.

Breathe in, breathe out

Suddenly, the banging stopped and I could hear footsteps as they got farther and farther from the door.

Moments later, there was a small knock on the door.

"Ava it's me, Davina. Can you please open the door?" She paused for a second, and then added, "I promise it's only me; Ace went downstairs."

I slowly unfurled and stared at the door with tears in my eyes. After moments of arguing with myself, I decided to open it. As soon as it opened, Davina rushed in and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be a real dick sometimes. What did you guys fight about?" She asked with pity in her eyes.

I wasn't sure if I could trust her, but she seemed like a good enough person, and I really needed a friend.

What's the worst that could happen?

"I-I caught him doing it with someone in his office, and then he got mad because I was going outside. I guess the fact that he just got married doesn't bother him, since he still does what he desires." I said to her, struggling to keep my voice steady.

"He did what!" Davina yelled.

I looked down.

"Don't let him do whatever he wants. You need to straighten him out and knock some sense into his weasely brain. His childhood may have been why he's such an asshole, but it definitely doesn't excuse his behavior with you," she consoled me with a confident voice.

"Knock knock. You girls busy gossiping or something?"

We turned around to see Lucas standing in the doorway.

"I heard what happened. Don't let him get to you," he says with a slight smile before leaving.

"We need a break from all this sadness, and Ava, you need some cheering up. What do you say we go out?"

"Actually, I was planning on going out to a club or something since I got a job and Katherine and Hannah want to celebrate. You should totally come with us. I'm sure they'll love you," I smile, grateful for her presence.

"Really? That's amazing! Where did you get a job at?" she asks.

"I got a job at a publishing company. I have always wanted to be an author but I'm still working on it. That's actually how Hannah and I became friends. We both want to write our own books." I reply with a big smile.

I like her.

She's nice.

Unlike her jerk-ass brother.

"That's so cool! I know exactly where we should go to celebrate!" she jumps with excitement.

"Where do you think you're going?"


That sounds a lot like Ace.

We both turn around.


It is Ace.

I expect him to yell at me, but he doesn't.

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