Chapter 1: Beginning

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Ava's POV

If someone had told me 6 years ago that I would be in the enemy's house trying to save my children, I would've thought they were crazy.

If they had told me I was going to be trained to kill as easily as I breathe, I never would have believed them.

But here I am. And it's all because of him.

Ace Vitiello.

6 years ago

"Wake up!"

I jumped up from bed and looked around to find the reality of my sister's face glaring down at me.

Sadly for me, life was quite the opposite of my daydreams.

It took a second for me to muddle through the fog in my brain and process the angry words she just yelled at me.

"You are going to be late for your interview. AGAIN!" yelled a demon who looked eerily similar to my sister. "Father is not going to be happy if you screw up this interview after you declined a job at the company and promised you'd find a job elsewhere. It's been two weeks, Ava! TWO!"

Wondering why I never moved out after finishing high school, I let out a big sigh and said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Thanks a lot! Just move into my room already, would you."

She narrowed her eyes at me as if I was crazy. "For what? Reminding you that you aren't a child anymore?"

Refraining from rolling my eyes, I told her, "For screwing up my dream. Again! It was so good this time!"

She stared into my eyes as if she was about to lecture me. "Dream! Really? Ava, you need to knock some sense into your mind. You're not 8 anymore! You're 20, which means you are an adult and have to take things more seriously. GROW THE FUCK UP!"

Being over the whole situation, I yelled back at her. "Okay. Okay. Now can you get out of my room so I can get ready!?"

Letting out a big sigh and shaking her head in disappointment, she walked out of the room and slammed the door.

Yeah. That's my older sister. Bella. The "perfect" child, at least in my father's adoring eyes.

My father loves me - at least I'd like to believe he does- but I know for a fact he wants me to be more like my sister.

She's only 25 but has already finished medical school and got her Ph.D. How? I have no idea. She has her whole life planned, and according to my all-knowing father, if you're not some kind of doctor, lawyer, or working in his mafia- you're "fucked for life".

I, on the other hand, have much bigger and better goals (in my opinion). I've wanted to be a writer ever since I was a little girl and got introduced to the wondrous world that is Dork Diaries. I have tons of stories waiting to be edited and published, but I was just never able to bring myself to show them to other people.

My father is Capo of the Mafia. He was pissed my sister didn't join, but all of his anger suddenly disappeared when she married a rich man from another mafia.

I never wanted to have anything to do with the mafia, so I finally gave in and decided to get a job.

The job ended up being just another company. I never really bothered to find out who the CEO was or what they do, but it didn't matter. It was either this or my father's mafia.

Putting aside the annoyance that my dream got messed up again, and the fact that my sister is still a bitch, I got up to get ready.

I yanked my phone out of the charger cord so hard, that I was almost surprised the wire didn't snap. I glanced at the clock and rushed out of my room into the bathroom. I only had 10 minutes to get ready and take a shower.

I ran to the bathtub and showered quickly so I'd still have time to put my clothes on.

After an eternity of pondering what to wear, I chose a white jumpsuit and white blazer, finishing the look off with a professional grey purse.

I glanced at my mirror, double-checking my makeup and outfit. I grabbed my makeup bag and rushed out of the house.

Barely making it, I reached there exactly at 9 AM. I took a second before I rushed through the doors and craned my neck towards the sky. The building had to have at least 50 stories, and the sun was blinding enough that I couldn't see the top.

Letting out a huge sigh, I went inside. I walked to the front desk, spotting a woman sitting there. She had silky, long blond hair and was wearing a black shirt and skirt with a black blazer.

Hoping I wouldn't make a fool out of myself, I smiled and said, "Hi! My name is Ava Arden. I'm here for my interview?" Narrowing her eyebrows, she turned and stared at me. My stomach dropped and I discreetly swallowed, trying not to flinch from the look on her face.

Suddenly a big smile spread across her face. "Hi! My name is Raven. Do you know what position you have signed up for?" I stared blankly at her, and finally breaking the silence she said, "No problem. It shows here you are going to be the secretary of Mr. Vitiello for their mafia business."

Holy shit. Vitiello? The universe had to be playing a sick joke on me.

"Excuse me?" I stuttered. "Vitiello as in... Vitiello Industries as in Ace and Alec Vitiello ?"

She looked up at me and slowly nodded as if I was a toddler who needed help comprehending.

No way. No way in hell I was going to do this. If my father heard about this, my whole life would be ruined. He'd probably shut me in the house for the rest of my life as punishment.

The lady stares at me. "So... are you still planning on going in? I don't have all day."

I didn't know what to say.

If I was caught in here by one of the Vitiello or even worse, my father, there'd be hell to pay. I may make a point to ignore my father's mafia, but I was still well aware of the rivalry going on. It is banned to meet with rivals unless approved on both sides for business.

It just wasn't allowed, and if he finds out it was me... I may be punished again. I sigh and mutter quietly, "An Arden is not allowed to work for a Vitiello let alone meet them."

Sometimes I wondered why my father decided to have me if he hated my presence so much. Pushing my angry thoughts away, I turn to leave when a deep and cold, yet unnervingly soft voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Leaving so soon?"

I freeze. My mind along with my body stops moving, and I turn as slowly as possible in hopes that I imagined the voice...only to slam face first into the hard chest of what seemed to be a man.

He had a sharp jawline with hazelnut eyes, dark brown hair, fair lips, and tattoos stretching up his muscled right arm. He was wearing a black tie and suit with black shoes so clean they glittered like diamonds.

I stare in awe at this piece of... piece of "art" is what I would call him. I mentally slam my forehead and ignore my thoughts.

"I. I was just...", I opened and closed my mouth like a fish on land in a desperate attempt to remember how words worked.

"The last person I expected to be here was the daughter of my father's enemy. Or have you forgotten that we're rivals." he let out with a smirk.

I had no words. I didn't know what to say.

Stop staring at him.

I'm trying.

I couldn't remove my gaze, and only one thought bounced throughout my empty brain.

Goddamn, he's hot.

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