Chapter 24: Free

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Ava's POV

"Smear the blood on the walls and the floor so they find it" Davina frantically said.

We had to hurry. Someone could walk in right away and we would be screwed.

I would be screwed.

Luckily Davina had a match with her.

"Here." She said handing me an envelope.

I narrowed my eyes.

"It has 30 thousand as well as a private credit card that Ace doesn't know about. Your passport is in it as well" she whispers.

I nod before she lights the math.


Am I?

"Ready as ever" I quietly say.

We run out of the prison as soon as she drops the match.

As the prison burns so does my heart.

What I had for Ace is gone now.


When we reach the airport Davina and I are both out of breath and sweating.

Not because we ran a little bit because of the chances of being caught.

"Flight 180 boarding is starting," the announcer says.

Davina quickly pulls me in a hug as I start to cry once again.

"I'm sorry and I love you" I cry.

"Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault" she whispers.

"Promise me you won't tell him where I went. Swear on my children" I say my voice cracking once again.

She stares into my eyes for a second before nodding.

"I swear I won't tell him. No matter what he does I won't say anything. What about Hannah and Katherine?"

My lip quivers at the thought.

"Don't let them know. The- the more people who know the more dangerous it is." I say.

She nods.

"We- we shouldn't contact each other for some time. No, we shouldn't contact each other at all. It's dangerous" she whispered.

I nod and turn my head as I start walking away toward the plane.

"C'est ta Maison. Ne l'oubliez jamais. Vivez votre vies come Vous le désirez et ne regardez jamais en arrière!" she yelled in French.
(This is your home! Never forget. Live your life the way you desire and never look back)

I couldn't turn around.

Because I knew if I did. I wouldn't be able to walk away again.

It wasn't Ace. It was my whole life. My friends and family.

People that care about me.

I hated that I was deceiving them but, I didn't know what else to do. I didn't even know what I was going to do from here.

The only person who knew where I was going was Davina.


Yes, it was where one of Ace's strongest enemies lived but that was my last choice. Everywhere else had someone either my father knew or Ace knew and was allied with.

I just hoped no one would find me.

I took the chip out of my phone and threw it away before getting onto the plane.

I couldn't let anyone track me. I'll just get a phone later.

As I sat on the plane and put my hand over my stomach.

Mommy loves you. She'll make sure you don't ever get hurt.

You don't need your father when he doesn't even care.

Ace Vitello is now just a memory. A distant memory.

I fell in love with him fast and fell out of love even faster.

I may hate him right now but I am so glad he opened my eyes. I'm not the same girl as before.

Tears fill my eyes from the memory.

Not because of what he was doing but because of his words.

I was just a fuck.

Nothing more.

Nobody can mess with me anymore.

No one messes with my children because they will have to get through me first.

"Ava Arden Vitiello reported dead after a fire in the house. Reporters don't know what happened for sure. Was it an accident or a murder case?"

I look down at the new id Davina has me as well as the new passport.

Ava Vitiello is gone.

Ava Arden is gone.



Ava Allister.



My new identity.

My new name.


My new home.

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