Chapter 8: Shattered

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Ava's POV

I groaned as the rays of the sun hit my eyes.

Where was I-

Panic set in momentarily until I remembered last night's events. I was in my husband's room. The man I didn't know and I didn't want to marry.

Although I guess I had already met him once when I went job hunting and he started messing with me. A warm fuzzy feeling that started at my toes and shot up to my head appeared as I thought about my initial intense interaction with him.


Crap. The freaking butterflies.

Well, I'm not getting out of this any time soon.

The spot next to me was empty, so I figured he probably had work.

Thank God.

I jumped out of bed and checked the time. I had an interview at a publishing company at 9:00, which meant I had 20 minutes to get ready. I took comfort in that Ace had already left the house, so at least there was no chance of stress on that end.

I quickly took a shower and put my clothes on. I decided on wearing a black blazer that was slighter shorter than knee length, a black purse, and some light makeup.

Since today was Saturday, I didn't have to worry about going to university, but I did have to go to the library to study for finals. I sighed and made a mental checklist of everything I needed to get done. Hopefully Ace stays at work until late at night so I won't have to deal with my father hearing about what happened last night - or rather what didn't happen.

Tears started forming in my eyes just thinking about how messed up it all was, but I pushed those thoughts away and walked down to the kitchen to get some food.

The kitchen was magnificent, and I was almost tempted to skip my interview just so I could explore it. I wondered if I'd be allowed to bake at all now that I was the trophy wife of oh-so-wonderful Ace Vitiello. Baking had always been my thing to enjoy with my mother, and after she passed away, it was my only connection with her.

My breath caught in my throat as I noticed the actual food.

There was a whole feast laid on the table that could feed at least 10 people. I winced at how much food wastage there probably was, but it all looked so delicious I couldn't bring myself to care much. I looked around for something quick to eat and grabbed a blueberry muffin and some much-needed coffee. I started to make my way to the door, happily devouring my muffin, when I heard giggling. It seemed to be coming from another room inside the mansion.

I told myself to ignore it but my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly crept up the stairs and focused on the sound again. No.

It was coming from Ace's office.

I quietly opened the door and froze as I took in the scene in front of me.

Ace was leaning against his desk smirking - who the hell has the right to look that hot - as a half-naked blond girl got on her knees and started unbuckling his belt.

He didn't have the care to even lock his door, knowing damn well anyone could just walk in, which I unfortunately did.

I hated him. It wasn't like I cared.

We just got married.

Screw it. I need to be somewhere.

I attempted to close the door without making a sound but with my shitty luck, the universe was probably plotting against me.

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