32. Danny

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(Y/n) pov

"(Y/n)? I thought you were going to bed after one drink?" Red says after we run into each other on the floor just below the deck.

"Oh yeah" I laugh,
"I didn't end up doing that. I ended up making friends! Then the bar closed so now we're going to hang out here." I explain,

"You made friends?" Red raises an eyebrow,

"You'd be surprised how much easier it is when you're drunk." I tell him,

"I'm sure it is,"

"(Y/n)! We're going to play spin the bottle!" Sophie shouts,

"Do you guys want to play?" I ask Red and Otore,

"I think I'm good," Otore says,

"Ok, I'll see you later then." I go over to the group of people.

"Mark, you start." Ray says, so Mark spins the bottle, then we all shout when it lands on Isabella. Mark and Isabella lean over the table and kiss, then we all shout some more.

"Danny your turn," Isabella says blushing,

"Ok," Danny replies then he spins the bottle,

"Oooh! (Y/n)!" They shout when the bottle stops on me. I lean over to give Danny a quick kiss, but when I go to pull away he kisses back more, not letting us part. Everyone's cheers got louder, as I kissed him back, until we had to pull apart for air.

"We should do that again sometime." Danny smirks,

"Maybe we should," I say with borrowed confidence,

"(Y/n), we're going to walk you to your room." I hear Red,

"I'm ok here," I reply,

"I know, but we're going snorkeling tomorrow, so you need to be able to get out of bed." He explains,

"Oh, right, bye everyone I'll see you tomorrow!" I shout,

"Bye (y/n)! We'll miss you!" Some of them shout, as I walk away,

"(Y/n) you're going the wrong way." Red says so I turn around.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't have gone the right way even if I was sober." I tell him,

"I believe you," Red laughs, then we get to my room.

"Do we need to tuck you in?" Otore asks jokingly,

"Yes, please," I reply, before opening the door.
"Don't wake up Bakugo." I whisper,

"So that was Bakugo I saw earlier." They whisper,

"Oh no," I frown

"What's wrong?" Otore asks,

"I need to take a shower, so you can't tuck me in." I pout,

"Maybe next time then." They say,

"Ok, good night," I reply,


"(Y/n), wake up," I hear Bakugos voice,

"What time is it?" I ask hiding under the blankets, with a bad headache.

"It's nine thirty," he says making me groan,
"You need to get up now so we can get breakfast then get ready to go snorkeling." He replies,

"Fine, I'll wake up," I fully open my heavy eyes and sit up.

"(Y-y/n)? Why are you wearing my Hoodie?" Bakugo asks, confusing me,

"Wearing your Hoodie? Crap I'm wearing your Hoodie! I'm so sorry!" I blush feeling embarrassed,
"You can have it back!" I start taking it off,

"(Y/n)!" Bakugo shouts, stopping me, I look at him seeing how Red his face is.
"You're not wearing anything underneath." He tells me,

" I'm so sorry!" I feel like dying in a hole.

"It's alright, y-you can just keep my Hoodie for the rest of the day." He says,

"I'm so sorry." I cover my Red face.
"D-did you see anything?" I mumble,

"Just a little," he says quietly,

"I'm going to jump off the balcony now." I stand up, and walk towards it.

"Oh my God (y/n) no." Bakugo grabs my hand,
"We're going to eat," he drags me over to the door, and we stop to put on shoes. He grabs my hand again to pull me out of the room, but doesn't even let go when we're in the elevator.

"I'm still really sorry," I drop my head, so my forehead hits his shoulder.

"It's alright," he rubs my back,
"I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me." The elevator doors open, then we go to the buffet. I fill up a plate then I see red wave me over to where him, and Otore are sitting.

"Good morning," Otore says,

"Good morning," I reply

"Who's this?" Bakugo asks, sitting next to me.

"This is Rye Otore." Red smiles,

"Your soulmate?" Bakugo raises an eyebrow,

"Yeah," Red gets the biggest smile,

"I still can't believe it." Otore says,

"Bakugo, could you give them your autograph?" Red asks,

"Sure I guess, I don't have a pen though." Bakugo replies,

"I have one," Otore hands him a pen,

"Just on a napkin, or do you have something else?" Bakugo asks,

"A napkin is ok." They answer, then Bakugo signs a napkin, and hands it to them.

"Thank you so much!" Otore says happily,

"No problem,"

"So Red, are you still planning on going snorkeling with us, or did you make other plans with Otore? Of course Otore can come with us." I say,

"Otore was planning on snorkeling with their group anyway, so we're all going to go together."  Red explains,

"So, Danny's also going?" I blush,


"Who the hell is Danny?" Bakugo asks,

"Mark's best friend," Otore says,

"(Y/n) kissed him last night." Red adds,

"When did that happen?!"

"After the club closes we all played spin the bottle." I explain quietly,

"Who's "we all"?" Bakugo asks, sounding more calm,

"Just Mark, Danny and a group of college students we made friends with." I answer,

(930 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now