8. Keigo

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(Y/n) pov

Handsome Birdy: baby, I wanna take you out

Handsome Birdy: let's go to white elephant tonight

Y: Are you sure you want to dress up?

Handsome Birdy: No, but I kinda wanna see you dressed up

Y: oh really?

Handsome Birdy: yeah, because even though you look so gorgeous and sexy In my Hoodie, I like to see you all dressed up every once and awhile

Y: ok what dress should I wear?

Handsome Birdy: surprise me

Y: that means something extra revealing😂

Handsome Birdy: it doesn't not mean that😏

Y: What time do I need to be ready?

Handsome Birdy: I'll pick you up at 8:30

Y: can't wait 💕

Handsome Birdy:😘

Y: 😗

Y: I meant to send a kiss back but it looks like their trying whistle 😂

Handsome Birdy:😂

I finished texting my fiance and took a shower, before putting on Keigo's favorite dress, a long silky red one with an extra deep V-neck.

I finished texting my fiance and took a shower, before putting on Keigo's favorite dress, a long silky red one with an extra deep V-neck

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I do my make up and start crimping my hair when I get a message

Group chat with Red, TNT, wifey

Red: Are you guys free today?

Y: not today, sorry

TNT: you don't need to apologize to him for having a life!

Red: So (y/n) what are you doing today?

Y: Hawks is taking me out

Red: where?

Y: white elephant

Red: I thought people only used places that fancy for proposing

Y: he normally takes me there before he goes on a mission that's longer than five days, if there's bad news or when he really wants there cheesecake

Y: I'm pretty sure it's bad news this time.

Red: What do you think the bad news is

TNT: you can stay out of her business!

Y: I'm sure it just has something to do with the wedding. He's taken me there five times since we started planning 🤣

Y: I honestly don't care if our wedding's not perfect, but he thinks every little change is an emergency. It's kinda cute. 😁

TNT: I'm gonna throw up

Y: haha sorry

TNT: didn't you already make the wedding supper flexible? I don't see how one change would be a problem!

Y: That's what I said!

I sent the message right before I heard someone knock on the door. I get up and look through the peephole then open the door.

"When was the last time you used my door?" I ask the nicely dressed bird man

"I want to make sure the wind wouldn't ruin these" he holds out a bouquet of my favorite flowers

"There so beautiful, thank you" I kiss his cheek

"Who said they were for you?" He asks with a chuckle

"No one yet" I reply with a glare

"Of course there for you" he smiles

"You jackass!" I smile back then he puts the flowers in a vase for me

"Ready to go?" He asks so I nod and walk towards my window

"Not this time" he grabs my arm making me stumble

"Really?" I ask then he walks me out my door as an answer

"Wow!" My eyes widened once we're out of the building, because of a limo parked outside

"After you" Keigo hold the door open for me

"You really rented a limo?!" I ask trying to sound happy about it, but it just starts to give me anxiety, thinking about the possible reason for it.

"I felt like I needed to spoil you" he tells me then I get in, he shuts the door for me, then gets in himself on the other side then tells the autopilot where to take us.

"I think I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look. It's crazy because it's all I can think about" he tells me

"Since you brought it up I also forget to tell you how smoking hot you look" I reply still thinking about the possible bad thing he's going to tell me.

"Hmm, maybe we should get take out and enjoy this limo a little more" he smirks,

"I like the sound of that" I blush then Keigo gives the car new directions

"I love you" he says putting an arm around me

"I love you too" I snuggle into him and try to relax and not let my thoughts wander.

"Crap I don't think this will make it through the drive through we'll have to park and go in" Keigo says after a while of being in the limo

"Alright" I say even though I'd rather not go in at all because of how we're dressed then Keigo gets out of the limo then I start to get out myself.

"Hey you're supposed to let me open the door for you" he tells me

"You were just too slow" I laugh

"Holy shit! I don't remember the last time I've been called slow. I think I'm going to have a heart attack." He says dramatically

"I think you'll be ok" I giggle

"No I'm dying i need mouth to mouth" he says

"I don't think that's how it works" I laugh a little more before grabbing his tie and pulling him into a kiss

"That definitely saved me" he grabs my hand and smiles looking into my eyes for a moment before pulling me towards the entrance to my favorite fast food place then he opens the door for me

"You're such a gentleman today" I tell him

"(Y/n)!" I hear my name being called so I look over to see Mina sitting with Red and Lord explosion

"You guys decided to go here without me?" I fake pout

"You said you had plans" Red says

"She does" Keigo wraps an arm around my and smirks

"But Holy shit (y/n) you look hot" Mina tells me

"Oh thanks" I say with a blush

"Why are you all dressed up in this dump?" Lord explosion asks

"Like I said earlier we were planning on going to white elephant, but we decided to bail and get food here" I explain

"Well why don't you join us?" Kirishima asks so I look to Keigo and wait for him to answer

"As much as we'd love to, I rented a limo and we're planning on uh using it" he tells them in a suggestive way so I smack his chest.

"Hey" he chuckles

"Anyway I'm going to order food" he says

"Ok get me a-" I start

"I know what you want, but if I do get it wrong I'll make it up to you later" he winks before walking away.

(1102 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now