28. Only one Bed

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(Y/n) pov

"(Y/n), we're here" Red wakes me up when the plane lands.

"Five more minutes," I reply, I hear Bakugo sigh, then I fall back asleep for what felt like only a second.

"We're getting off now, (y/n)!" Red shakes me away. Then I noticed I had been using Bakugo as a pillow.

"I-im so sorry," I blush

"Tch, it's fine," Bakugo replies,

"You were so cute I got pictures." Red says holding out his phone.

"W-what," my face gets redder,

"Delete them now!" Bakugo shouts,

"I sent them to Mina as soon as we landed so even if I did, she'd still have them." Red explains,

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo yells

"We should probably get off the airplane now." I pull on Bakugos arm.

"Fine," we all got our baggage, got out of the plane and into an Uber that brought us to the hotel.

"Sorry I guess there's still only one bed. At least it's not the heart shaped one. Are you guys willing to share with each other?" I ask

"Where would you sleep?" Bakugo asks, then I look around.

"I guess I'll take the floor." I answer,

"Why the hell would you be the one sleeping on the floor if you paid for this place?!"

"Well I, it's only for one night and It's not like I've never slept on the floor before. Also there's this girl I knew and she had an obsession with you two getting married someday, so I was planning on taking a picture and selling it to her." I laugh,

"Hell no!" Bakugo shouts,

"I'm kidding, I'd never do something like that without your permission." I say

"I think I should sleep on the floor and you and Bakugo take the bed. I didn't pay for anything." Red says,

"I don't think that would work. I've never shared a bed with any friends growing up, so I don't want to accidentally make it weird." I say.

"How would you make it weird? The worst that could happen is some accidental cuddling. The best thing that could happen is purposely cuddling." Red laughs,

"I think I'll be ok on the floor." I laugh,

"What's so bad about cuddling with me?!" Bakugo asks

"What if your cuddles are so amazing that I instantly fall in love with you?" I joke

"Oh no then his soulmate might beat you up." Red laughs,

"You guys are dumbasses, Kirishima you're sleeping on the floor. I'm going to bed, (y/n) you can share the bed with me if you're comfortable with it." Bakugo gets under the covers.

"Rude" Red pouts,

"I'm gonna shower first, I'm pretty sure I've smelled like alcohol all say." I say before going into the bathroom with my suitcase. I take a nice hot shower, brush my teeth then put on some comfortable shorts and a large Hoodie.

"Red, did you look for any extra blankets in the closet?" I ask,

"No, not yet." He replies, I open all the drawers. I pull out and extra blanket and pillow then throw it to Red.

"Thanks" he replies,

"You still don't actually have to sleep on the floor." I tell him,

"I know, but I'm ok with it." He replies,

"Ok,' I say, hesitantly get into the bed. As soon as I lay down Bakugo wraps an arm around my waist and I feel my back hit his chest.
"B-Bakugo," my heart beats faster

"If it makes you uncomfortable at all I'll sleep on the floor... I just got used to sleeping with a body pillow, so I rather it happen on purpose than by accident." He tells me, making my face turn red.

"O-ok" I'm barely able to say, then he rests his chin on the top of my head.

'Damn it, why does it feel like I'm being spooned by an angel?! I just need to quickly find my soulmate so I can stop falling in love with Bakugo! Shit, I'm not falling in love with Bakugo. What am I thinking, me in love with Bakugo? No, nobody said anything about being in love with Bakugo. I'm only not falling in love with Bakugo. Your words aren't making any sense. God!' My thoughts race for hours like that until I fall asleep.


"Jeez Bakugo, normally I find you in really weird positions, but you really stayed like the entire night." I hear Red say,

"Shut up, she's still sleeping." Bakugo whispers,

"What time is checkout?" Red asks,

"It's, at twelve but the shuttle picks us up gets here at eleven. What time is it now?" Bakugo replies,

"It's a quarter after ten" Red answers,

"(Y/n) are you waking up?" Bakugo asks me,

"Yeah... but I don't want to." I say quietly,

"How did you sleep?" He asks,

"... it was pretty much the best sleep I've ever gotten. What would I have done if I fell in love with you?" I'm too tired to laugh,

"Suffer," he tells me,

"Rude!" I push him away but immediately regret it.

"If for some reason you fell in love with me because of my epic cuddling skills. You just find out who your soulmate is." He tells me,

"So, I'm not aloud to find out who my soulmate is if I'm inlove with Hawks, but if I'm inlove with you it's completely ok?" I ask,

"Because there's no getting over me. But if you find out who your soulmate is, you'll at least be happy with them." He laughs,

(925 words)

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