17 Anything for You

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(Y/n) pov

Y: you can come over once you're done with work no need to hurry

Handsome Birdy: I'll be there in a half an hour

Y: if you're gonna be that early can you pick me up some tea?

Handsome Birdy: anything 4 u

Y: ok

I sent the last message then started to feel stressed

'Why do I sound so nice over text? I'm still kinda mad and he's probably still upset' I grip my hair
'Damn it! I shouldn't feel this guilty' I get more frustrated with my stupid emotions

"I should make myself breakfast! well I guess technically lunch" I sigh accidently thinking out loud. I go into the kitchen and look through the fridge to see what I can make

'I'll need to go to the store tomorrow' I put my hair up and put on an apron. I start warming up the stove top and get out the ingredients and dump them on the pan to start Mixing everything together. Then right before I finish I hear a knock on the door

"One second!" I yell before turning off the stove then I go answer it
"You used the door again?" I raise my eyebrow

"Yeah" Keigo says not explaining why

"Wanna come in?" I ask stepping back to let him through

"Something smells good" he tells me

"I just finished cooking, do you want some?" I reply

"No, I'll be ok" he answers

"Well I haven't eaten today and I don't want to just eat infront of you" I say

"I guess I'll have little bit then" Hawks caves in then I get two plates and put the food on it then put them on each side of the table
"Here's your tea" he sets it in front of my plate

"Thanks" I smile at him
"So do you want to explain exactly who Jamie is and what your relationship with them was?" I ask and Hawks hesitates

"They were my first love... we never had the chance to go out on any dates, I just really enjoyed spending time with them. I told them how I felt about them and we were together for a month and a half before I thought they died. I should have told you from the start my exact relationship with them. when you told me they were alive I had to try to find them not just because of my old feelings for them, but because I've spoken with their family and I know how much they miss them" he tells me

"What would you do if you found them?" I ask

"I don't know..." he replies

"What If they found out you were soulmates and were meant to be together?" I say

"I don't know" he repeated

"Hawks I think you need to be with them" I say successfully holding back tears but my voice still breaks

"(Y/n) I love you" he tells me tears falling down his face

"I love you too" I give him a smile that breaks the barrier that was keeping my tears from falling
"But I think this is where it needs to end" i say

"Is that really what you want?!" Hawks snaps

"Of course not" I cry
"I told you I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life even if you weren't my soulmate, But I think if you find them, you'll definitely fall in love with them and you'll regret staying with me" I say barely above a whisper

"I can't just throw away the feeling I have for you just because of them!" He replies

"Obviously I'm going to feel the same" I tell him

"Then don't make me leave you." He begs

"Hawks, as much as I love you, as much as I'll always love you. You have someone waiting for you to find them" I say trying to sound stronger than I'm feeling

"You keep calling me by my hero name..." he says

"I kept accidentally starting to say your real name in public" I say

"I hate it, I don't like to hear you not use my given name." He tells me

"I don't think you'll need to get used to it." I say and he takes a second to realize what those words really mean

"I guess we really are over then" his words hurt me more then intended

"I guess we are." My voice breaks multiple times in that short sentence

"But if things don't work out with my soulmate, how would I live with myself?" He asks with more tears streaming down his face

"Like I said I'll always love you so if I'm still alive and single and it doesn't work out with your soulmate you can come back to me. I might make you beg a little but I will take you back." I tell him

"Can I beg to come back now?" He asks

"Can you promise you won't regret staying with me?" I ask knowing the answer but it still hurt when he replied with silence
"That's what I thought." I slip of my engagement ring and put it in his hands

"Damn it" he sobs

"I think it's about time you leave." Tears fall down my face

"Y-yeah I'll be on my way" he says while trying to wipe his tears, he eventually gives up and leaves out the front door

(905 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now