9. Jacket

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(Y/n) pov

"Hey dumbass!" Lord explosion gets my attention

"Yes?" I reply

"You look like you're uncomfortable, take my jacket!" He tells me but before I can lie and tell him I'm fine, he shoves it in my face.

"I want it back before you leave!" He yells

"Thank you" I say

"Awe Bakugo you're such a nice guy!" Mina tells him

"Shut up!" He replies

"Hear I got you your favorite drink" Keigo says, handing me what I know isn't going to be my favorite drink. Not because he's not good at remembering that kinda thing, it's just because I lied on our first date and haven't been able to tell him the truth. Obviously my fault completely.

"Thanks" I tell him genuinely grateful, before drinking the drink that I only tolerate

"So where'd you get the jacket?" He asks

"It's mine!" Lord explosion yells before I could answer

"Why?" He raises an eyebrow

"You left her alone and people were staring, I thought I would do you the favor!" Bakugo replies sounding annoyed

"Thanks I guess" Keigo says

"Hawks, do you have a best man yet?" Mina asks

"Tsukuyomi is my first choice just because he and (y/n) are pretty good friends. But if he doesn't work out I'll ask one of my other past interns." He responds before my name was called by one of the workers making me glare at Keigo

"Yay our foods ready" he says happily before walking away

"Well, It was a nice surprise seeing you guys here. Lord explosion hears your jacket. Thanks again for letting me use it" I say preparing to leave

"Bye (y/n), love you!" Mina says

"Bye!" Red says

"Misses (l/n)!" Keigo shouts for me so I walk to him

"Yeah I don't think I can be called that It makes me sound like I'm the kinda person who would leave her kids after going completely manic" I laugh

"Oh no baby" Keigo hugs me

"So you're not taking my last name or being called misses?" He asks

"I'd take your last name if you thought it was safe enough" I roll my eyes

"I'm just trying to protect you" he tells me

"I know" I smile for a second then we get into the limo and Keigo gives it directions

"So keigo... are you ready to tell me the bad news?" I ask hesitantly

"No... but I think I I still need to" he says

"If you want we can wait until after we eat" I tell him

"It's up to you" he says

"How do you think I'll react?" I ask

"I'm not sure, you could get mad, you could be relieved, you could be really upset and possibly leave me" his voice start to sound a little weaker

"Hey it's ok, why don't you take a moment to breathe and when you're ready you can tell me. I can't promise I won't be mad but I'm sure there's a much lower chance than you think there is." I tell him then he takes a deep breath before showing me his four arm

"Who's Jamie?" I ask after seeing what looks like a soulmate tattoo.

"She... she was a girl I knew during my hero training. I could understand how she's my soulmate, but... she's dead." A few tears fall down his face

"I went to see who my soulmate was because I was 99% sure that it was going to be you!... you, you still have a soulmate somewhere out there. Just because mine is gone doesn't mean that you have to stay with me...
please don't go! I love you! I don't want to live without you!" He starts to beg with more tears falling down his face.

"Keigo! I love you. I don't care if you aren't my soulmate." I kiss his four head then he hugs me tight.

"Thank you for not leaving me" he whispers,

"I'm never planning on it" I say,

"I love you" he tells me,

"I love you too" I reply,

"I think we should eat now. I don't want to waste the food" I say then he nods and hands me my food and I start eating.

"Are you mad at all that I went to see who my soulmate is?" He asks

"I told you, you could" I reply

"That doesn't mean you're not mad" he says

"No, I'm not mad. Just because I didn't see a reason to see if we were really soulmates doesn't mean, you didn't. Sorry that does sound like I am actually mad! But I promise I'm not!" I panic slightly,

"I believe you" he says
"You got a little something on your face" I try to wipe it off,

"You missed" he says before licking my cheek, making me blush. He looks at my face and smirks.

"You're so beautiful" he kisses me deeply.

(820 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant