5. Lunch

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(Y/n) pov

I woke up in my room at mine and Minas' apartment after I fell asleep at Keigos place. This isn't an uncommon thing to happen because of how deep I sleep and how early Keigo wakes up. A regular person would probably leave me to wake up alone in their house. But because it's Keigo and our relationship is completely public now he's too scared to let me walk or take a taxi home by myself. He would let me stay at his place all alone, but all of my projects are here.

Red: hey (y/n) I saw that Hawks and pinky were out on patrol that means you're not doing anything today right?

I read a message from Red Riot before over thinking about how I should respond

Y: yup totally free

Red: Cool, me and Bakugo were gonna get something to eat. You should come with us

Y: sounds like quite the date. Are you sure you want me to be the third wheel?

Red: if it's not you then we'd have to find someone else lol

Y: haha ok

Y: What time?

Red: as soon as you can be ready Bakugou is getting hungry

Y: where am I meeting you?

Red: we can pick you up I know Hawks would get mad at us if we let you walk alone

Y: ok I can be ready in less than an hour

Red: sounds good text me when you're ready


I finish texting Red Riot for now and get up to take a shower once I'm out, I blow-dry and brush my hair then put on some clothes. I go with a Lord explosion shirt, with an open fat gum jacket, ripped jeans and a Red Riot hat.

 I go with a Lord explosion shirt, with an open fat gum jacket, ripped jeans and a Red Riot hat

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Y:ok I'm ready

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Y:ok I'm ready

Red: on our way

I wait for about ten minutes before I get another text.

Red: here

I read the message then grabbed my bag and went out the door to find them.

"Nice hat" Red tells me with a smile.

"Thanks, it's definitely one of my top three favorite hats" I reply,

"I feel honored, unless you only have three hats then I'm offended" he laughs

"I think I have twenty-three hats total" I tell him

"Then I'm extra honored" he replies

"Can you stop talking about hats so I can get something to eat!" Lord explosion yells

"Where are we eating?" I ask

"I was thinking you could pick" Red says

"That's too scarry of a decision for me to make when Lord explosion is that hungry" I tell him

"I'll deal with whatever you pick!" Lord explosion says

"Ok, I guess if you're both ok with it... what about the Ramen shop just two blocks that way, the honey toast is amazing" I say slightly nervous,

"Works for me." Red says then we all start walking towards the restaurant.

"Hey Red if you got to pick any quirk that wasn't your own or real steels, what quirk would you pick? Also try not to pick anything too Overpowered and obvious" I say trying start a conversation.

"Hmm... I'll ovoid picking crimson riots quirk too... probably Erasure, it was the quirk eraserhead our teacher from UA had" Red answers,

"What does that quirk do?" I ask not having a clue, I didn't start paying much attention to hero's until halfway through senior year.

"Whenever he looked at someone it would erase their quirk until he blinks" Red explains

"sounds awesome! And really useful for training heros" I say

"You should have seen him in action!" Red tells me

"Table for three" Red tells the waitress after we has walked into the Ramen shop.

"We should have one ready for you in about twenty minutes. Can I have a name?" she asks

"(Y/n)" Red tells her

"Why use my name?" I ask as we go to sit somewhere to wait

"I'm always a little scared a crowd could appear wanting autographs or something if they heard mine or Bakugos names" Red admits

"You dumbass, if you don't want to draw a crowd don't use (y/n)s name!" Lord explosion says

"What do you mean?" Red asks

"Good luck on the roof" Bakugo says making Red give him a weird look.

"It's (y/n)s book! It was the book with the most sales last year!" Lord explosion explains

"(Y/n)s book as in?" Red Riot asks

"I'm the author But It was only the most sold book because ke- Hawks advertised the hell out of it." I say

"That's probably true But the book wasn't shit, the world building was cool and I didn't hate any of the characters I wasn't supposed to" Bakugo explained

"You really read it?!" I asked happily

"So what if I did?" He replies

"It's just the biggest compliment for you not to hate it" i tell him

"Because I'm Lord explosion, the best hero out there?" He says just barley sounding like it was a question

"No, because you're Bakugo and I know I can believe you when you say you don't hate something. You even said something was cool!" I say excited

"(Y/n)!" The waitress calls my name so we all stand up to follow her to a table

(884 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now