20. French Fry

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(Y/n) pov

"Red! Food is done!" I yell getting plates down from the cupboards

"Careful," Bakugo says catching a glass cup before it could be pushed out of the cupboard by the plates

"Thanks" I say before I fully process that I could feel his chest against my back

"It was nothing." Bakugo quickly stepped back

"Wow! it smells so good." Red says walking into the kitchen

"Yeah, Bakugo is surprisingly good in the kitchen." I say

"What do you mean surprisingly?!" Bakugo asks

"I'd be surprised if anyone was as good at cooking as you. I just didn't expect it." I explain realizing the way I frased what was supposed to be a compliment could come off as more of an insult.
"Do you guys want something to drink?" I ask a little after I explain myself

"What are the options?" Red asks

"Lemonade, sprite, mountain dew, root beer, and water." I list

"I'll have a mountain dew." Red says

"Who the hell likes root beer?" Bakugo asks

"I do." I answer

"That shit is disgusting." He tells me

"You can have that opinion." I roll my eyes then hand Red a can of mountain dew
"What do you want?" I ask Bakugo

"Water." He says, so I grab him some water. Honestly I would have preferred water or Lemonade, but Bakugos reaction made me feel like I needed to get myself root beer.

"Go ahead and grab a plate and get as much as you want." I say

"Careful (y/n) I might take that as a challenge." Red replies

"Why don't you start with a smaller portion then decide if you like it enough for seconds." I tell him

"I've tried Bakugos cooking before and Mina says your cooking is the best. I'm sure you guys working together, this food is going to be heavenly." Red starts putting food on his plate

"Possibly, but sometimes two good things don't mix. me and Bakugo could be more like ketchup and ice cream." I giggle

"I'm willing to bet you're more like fries and ice cream." Red replies with a goofy smile

"Stop being weird, the food tastes great!" Bakugo says having already sat down and started to eat.

"Hey! You weren't supposed to start eating without me!" Red complains

"Why the hell not?!" Bakugo asks and I start to get myself some food

"Because there was supposed to be a big reveal of whether or not it tastes good." Red explains

"Why the hell wouldn't it taste good!?" Bakugo replies as I sit down at the round table with them

"I don't know ketchup and ice cream." Red says

"Stop with the stupid metaphor we didn't even use ketchup!" Bakugo yells

"But we do have ice cream for dessert." I say with a smile

"Fine then hot sauce and ice cream. That metaphor makes a lot more sense because (y/n)s all sweet and you're all spicy" Red says making me laugh

"I don't think spicy is the right word." I laugh

"But we're not hot sauce and ice cream because the food tastes good!" Bakugo yells

"Oh right that means you're a French fry because you're salty." Red says, making me think of a meme I saw forever ago comparing Bakugo to a french fry. I Google it to try to find it not paying attention to what they're saying for a while.

"Oh I found it!" I shout as soon as I see it but then I read it and realized it has nothing to do with salty

"What did you find?" Bakugo asks

"I remembered that I saw this meme forever ago" I hesitantly show him the meme

"I remembered that I saw this meme forever ago" I hesitantly show him the meme

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"So I'm tall, blonde and gorgeous." Bakugo smirks then Red looks at the meme

"Bakugo, I'm still sad you have more simps than I do." Red says after reading it

"What?" I say very confused

"Mina did a poll on tik tok asking who people simp for more. Bakugo crushed me." Red explains

"Why the hell would you care about extras liking you?!" Bakugo asks

"You only get to say that because you won." Red says

"Why the hell would I care about extras liking me?!" He replies

"Don't worry Red, I would have picked you." I say trying to cheer him up.

"The hell?!" Bakugo shouts surprising me

"W-what I thought you didn't care what an extra thinks?" I respond

"Why the hell would you think you're an extra?! You've made quite a few appearances and I even know your name!" Bakugo says

"Calm down Bakugo, she said "would have'' past tense." Red explains

"Ok then, who would you pick now?" Bakugo asks

"W-well I'd probably just scroll past." I say

"But (y/n), if you had to marry one of us, who would it be?" Red asks

"That's the kind of question I'd only answer during a drinking game" I laugh

'Probably Bakugo, he's a good cook, I can talk to him, and he's really handsome. Not saying that Red isn't also handsome.' I couldn't help but think

"Kirishima you still have a full plate of food! Actually both of you dumbasses do." Bakugo points out before he stands up to get himself seconds

"How have I not tried it yet!?" Red scolds himself

"I guess I haven't either. Hopefully it's not cold." I reply then Red finally takes a bite of his food

"Holly shit that's amazing!" Red says so I take a bite of my food

"Yeah, that's like 'food wars' good." I laugh

"I told you it was good!" Bakugo says before sitting down

"We'll have to cook together more often." I smile

"I was planning on coming over tomorrow to make sure you weren't just going to eat junk." Bakugo says

"Tomorrow I could just eat leftovers." I tell him

"Yeah, you're not going to have leftovers." Red says standing up to get more

"Looks like you're stuck with me." Bakugo says

"I'd love to spend more time with you, I just thought you might have needed to get other things done tomorrow." I reply

"All the things that I would need to get done are already done! I just have to patrol tomorrow morning, then I'll head over here so I can steal your food!" He tells me

"O-ok sounds good." I say

(1060 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now