26. Cry

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(Y/n) pov

"(Y/n), dance with us." Hagakure says before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards tsu and Mina.

"I can't actually dance." I protest

"Come on, just dance like nobody's watching." She tells me

"That's easy for you to say." I reply, making her laugh.
"I just need one more drink then I'll be able to dance." I tell her before walking over to the bar.

"Hey pretty lady, can I buy you a drink?" Some man asks me,

"No thank you." I reply, taking a step away then I try to order a drink.

"Hey don't just walk away I wasn't done talking to you!" He grabs my wrist.

"I'm sorry, I need to get back to my friends." I say, and his grip gets tighter.
"All of my friends can legally kick your ass." I tell him trying not to react to the pain.

"Don't threaten me!" He says angrily, and just before I could yell for help his arm was forcefully pulled away from me.

"And you thought I was being overprotective." A voice says trying too hard to sound amused.

"H-hawks," I'm surprised to see his face.

"How have you been?" He asks,

"I'm making progress, this interaction definitely won't help though." I laugh a little

"Seeing you or even just talking to you seems to make me feel happier. That shouldn't make any sense but I feel like shit without you." He says

"That's because of your unhealthy coping method." My voice tries to keep the mood light.

"Then what's your secret? How are you doing so well? You really look amazing! God damn it, why do you have to look so good?" He complains,

"Well, I binged most of one piece and lived off of spicy cheetos and popcorn for almost a month, so you tell me...
I, I think it's just easier when you have good friends. Lord explosion and Red Riot, have been making me get out of bed and socialize." I explain
"You've definitely been socializing." I say


"No, I get it... I still wish you would spend more of that energy on looking for Jamie." I say,

"I, I acutely finally got a lead to follow. I might be able to find them soon." He tells me,

"That's amazing," I say

"(Y/n)!" Mina yells my name before running towards me.
"I'm so sorry! I can't believe I lost track of you." She says,

"It's alright," I reply,

"I'm sorry, maybe I should go." Keigo apologizes to her.

"Maybe you should," Mina says,

"No, I think we should go, we have enough stuff at home and... I think he needs tonight almost as much as I do." I say,

"Excuse you, I need tonight at least twice as much as you do." He says, in a joking tone.

"Yeah right, you're the one who left me." I reply, with a small amount of laughter

"Only because you made me"

"Only because you left me a few nights before!" Our conversation accidentally gets too serious.

"I, I'm sorry, I, if I could do it over again I would pick you without hesitation." He says

"That's not true," I tell him,

"Of course it is! I've begged for you to take me back multiple times now." He says,

"Twice, you asked if I would get back together with you twice, Then you gave up. I shouldn't even count the first time. If you really wanted me back you could have gotten me back, but you still rather be with Jaime." I tell him,

"That's not fair, I called you desperately telling you how much I love and miss you!" He says,

"It was one time! You never tried to contact me after that!" I shout,

"I, I'll start calling you every day! From now on if that's really what it takes!" He says desperately,

"I'm not even gonna be able to answer or anything for the next week." I look away,

"Why not?"

"I'm... I'm going on our honeymoon." I answer

"I'm still going to text and call you everyday! Then maybe you'll be able to finally see how much I miss you." He says,

"Maybe," I reply then give him a thin smile,

"(Y/n), i think it's time we go" Mina says

"ok... " Mina grabs my hand and she yells at the girls telling them we're all leaving. Then we go outside.

"Oh honey." Mina says once she notices I'm crying. Then she pulls me into a hug.

"(Y/n) are you ok?" Momo asks me so I hum a yes. Even though I'm soaking Mina's shirt.

"That must have been really hard." Hagakure says,

(782 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now