29. 707

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(Y/n) pov

"Wow, it's so amazing!" I say when we get to the top of the ship.

"Didn't you say you've been on a cruise before?" Bakugo asks,

"Yeah but it wasn't half as big as this." I say,

"We haven't eaten today, let's get some food." Red says

"Sounds like a plan." We walk around until we find one of the buffets. I grab a plate and fill it up. I can only put less then half of what i wanted on my plate.

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to gain at least ten pounds." I laugh when I sit at the table Bakugo was sitting at.

"The average weight gained on a cruise is five to ten pounds so that's not unreasonable to think." Bakugo says,

"Ok Mr salad." I reply,

"This is just an appetizer!" He replies,

"Actually, I'm sorry. I shouldn't say things that could make anyone feel bad about taking care of themselves." I apologize, before I could cause any small insecurity that could grow in the future.

"It's fine! If I'm taking care of myself I'll need more protein after this!" He says,

"Jeez, everything looks so good!" Red says as he sits down with Two plates of food.

"Dang Red, you need to teach me your balancing skills. I'm going to need to take a few more trips." Red laughs at my coment. Then none of us talk for a while while we eat.

"Our bags should be in our rooms now."  Bakugo says after checking the time.

"I'm excited to see what the room looks like." I reply, then we walk to the room I paid for first. I used the key card to unlock it.
"It's so beautiful" my jaw drops, being able to see the ocean as soon as I walk in.

"Definitely," Bakugo says,

"Oh cool, there's a couch I can sleep on." Red says,

"Why the hell do you get to sleep in here instead of me?!" Bakugo asks,

"I was just assuming you would Stay in the room you paid for, but I'm definitely ok with taking a bed." Red replies,

"I'd think you'd want your own space." I say,

"Normally yes, but this room is better than the shitty one I got!" He explains,

"if you're both ok with it." I reply

"Just don't charge anything to my room, shitty hair!" He says, and while they share a few more sentences I go out onto the balcony. I immediately pull out my phone to take pictures.

'I wish I brought my good camera,' I complained, while I enjoyed the wind.

"Don't fall," Red tells me, and I can't help but feel a little saddened by his words. For the longest time falling was just not a problem.

"That would be fun, maybe I could make some dolfin friends." I laugh, then turn to look towards the door, after I hear it close.
"What's Bakugo doing?" I ask,

"He's bringing my bag to the room I'm staying in and getting his." He answers,

"So he is staying in here." I reply, with a very faint blush,

"Hey (y/n), be honest with me. Do you have any feelings for Bakugo? Any at all?" He asks like it was just any random question.

"W-what? Where did that come from?" I stutter,

"Well, I know you made sure to make it sound like you were joking. but, are you scared of falling in love with him?" He asks,

"It doesn't matter." I look down,

"I'll take that as a yes." He says,

"What no! I just meant that if-"

"I understand your reasoning, I just wanted to know." He interrupts my protests.

"Please… please don't tell him," I beg quietly,

"What if he feels the same way?" He asks,

"That's not how it works anymore! Even if he was in love with me. It's not a possibility with the stupid soulmate shit." I get a little emotional,
"... Mina told me she loved me. I, I eventually told her I loved her too, but I guess it's usually normal for people to want to be with there soulmates." I laugh bitterly,

"I knew it! I knew you liked her back!" His happiness surprised me.
"Sorry, wrong timing. But Mina wouldn't shut up about you for years, and I knew you liked her back." He makes me laugh a little,

"But, I was with Hawks then. Was I really not as loyal as I thought I was?" I pout,

"No, you were very loyal. You just had a bad habit of blushing whenever you made any physical contact with her. That doesn't mean you're not loyal though. I mean you never actually did anything." He tells me,

"I guess the closest I ever got to cheating on Hawks was just playing mystic messenger while he's on missions." I laugh,

"Oh my God, I used to play that in middle school!" He gets excited, then we spend a while talking about how much we love 707 until Bakugo gets back.

(842 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My Wayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें