16. Tired

333 9 0

(Y/n) pov

Y: I'm home

I text Keigo after I get out of the shower and into my fat gum pajamas

Handsome Birdy: I'll be there in three minutes

Y: Hawks I'm tired

Handsome Birdy: I already bought your favorite candy if I don't bring it to you soon i'll eat it all

Y: I already brushed my teeth

Handsome Birdy: please I want to make sure you're ok and give you a proper apologize

I take a while to think about how I should respond when I hear a knock on my window so I hesitantly open the curtains then the window and Keigo climbs in

"Hawks I really am tired and I don't want to say anything I'll regret when my brain is only kinda working" I tell him

"I know baby I just... I want to be with you right now" he replies

"I really just want to sleep, and I, think I need my space" my voice start to get weaker.

"(Y/n) I don't want to leave you alone" he takes a step closer but then takes a few back when he sees me flinch
"I'm so sorry" he tells me

"F-for what exactly?" I ask failing to hold back tears

"For leaving you when you were obviously upset" he says

"Is that it?" I ask

"I don't know what else to say" he replies and I notice the tears that are falling down his face

"I think you should leave, we can talk more tomorrow" I'm barely able to say

"Then I guess I'll go" Keigo says then opens the window
"I love you" he gives me a sad smile before jumping out then I flop on the bed and start to sob. I feel guilty about not letting him stay and that I'm the cause of his tears

'Damn it!' I scream into my pillow. Then I hear my phone vibrate.
'Please be some sorta distraction from the way I feel' my thoughts beg, before I check my phone.

TNT: Dumbass I saw just Big Bird everything ok?

Y: not exactly

TNT: Do you want to talk about it?

Y: idk

TNT: Do you or don't you?!

Y: I do but I don't really want anyone else to know

TNT: Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!

Y: I know, I just don't want you to think he's a bad guy just because you only know my side of the story. Also I think there's always a chance you'll tell Red lol

TNT: I doubt my opinion of him would change. And I only tell Red shit when I think it's important for him to know!

Y: ok then,

Y: I found out that his soulmate was alive.

Y: I started to stress about what Hawks would do when he found out

TNT: he probably did something really fucking stupid

Y: you could say that

Y: he ran to comfort me when he saw that I was crying, yes I know I'm a cry baby shut up. As soon as I told him his soulmate was alive he left

TNT: What a jackass!

Y: he came over today to apologize but I decided to be a bitch and kick him out

TNT: bitch my ass jackass deserved it

Y: idk,

Y: I know he had known his soulmate and had some sorta connection with them. What if you fell in love with someone that you thought died then found out that not only are they your soulmate but are also alive

TNT: I never made any promises to be with someone I love for the rest of my life!

Y: What if it was Red?

TNT: me and Kirishima never actually fell in love so I wouldn't know!

Y: sorry

TNT: you should just leave the stupid bird and find your soulmate!

Y: even though I'm mad at him doesn't mean I don't love him or don't want to marry him

TNT: (Typing...)

Y: I actually thought about going to see who my soulmate is but I don't know what I would do with that information

TNT: why the hell are you so loyal to bird bitch

Y: probably because of trauma 😂😂😂

TNT: dumbass I think you need a therapist

Y: sounds like a good idea if my Insurance wasn't shit

TNT: can't you get on Big Birds?

Y: not until we're married

TNT: well it's late so I'm going to bed goodnight dumbass

Y: goodnight Bakugo, thanks for talking to me

(758 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz