4. Pillow Fort

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(Y/n) pov

I'm sitting in my room when I hear a knock on my window.

"Hey beautiful" Keigo says, once I open it.

"Hi" I smile at him,

"Do you have time to let me take you out or am I helping you with something here?" He asks,

"I can go out. Where to? Do I need to change?" I ask,

"I didn't decide yet, I was expecting to need to get more wedding planning done. Do you want to dress up?" he asks,

"No, right now I just want to snuggle up and watch My Love Story while you eat chicken and I'll eat spicy chicken cup of noodles" I tell him

"God I love you" Keigo smiles before kissing me.
"So here or my love nest?" He asks,

"We need to get fresh chicken anyway also Mina is home" I say,

"Do you want to grab a jacket?" He says,

"Thanks for reminding me" I say before grabbing a jacket that was once his.

"Bye Mina!" I yell before jumping out the window.

"Careful, what if I wasn't ready?" My handsome hero asks while holding me bridal style.

"I know you'd never let me fall" I say then without another word he Flies us to the nearest KFC.

"K-keigo I forgot to put on shoes" I say embarrassed not wanting to go inside or be left alone.

"We can use the drive through" he replies,

"Really?" I ask,

"Yeah it wouldn't be the first time" he answers,

"Ok, well set me down it would be a little embarrassing for you to hold me like this while you're ordering" I tell him so he sets me down, only to put me on his shoulders a second later.

"K-keigo... Hawks!" My face turns red because I'm wearing a skirt but he ignores my cries and starts to order.

"You asshole, that was way worse" I pout after he gets his food and he Changes my position so we he can fly again.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you were wearing a skirt until after I set you up there" he tells me,

"You say after you had ignored my attempts to get your attention" I say getting myself madder at him.

"What could I do to make it up to you?" I can practically hear his dirty thoughts.

"Not whatever you're thinking" I tell him,

"Oh, really?" He smirks probably thinking something even worse.

"Not that either!" I hit his chest,

"You have to make my cup of noodles and build me a pillow fort" I say,

"If that's what it takes" he lands us on his balcony and takes a little longer than normal to unlock the door.

"Oh, you're still such a gentleman" I say because he holds the door open for me.

"Only for you my queen" he says before smacking my butt.

"Wow! I forget how amazing you and your quirk are so times" I say after seeing the beautifully built pillow fort.

"You haven't even seen the inside." Keigo says excitedly then he ducks down and leads me inside.

"This is amazing! Thank you so much you are 100٪ forgiven" I tell him seeing a comfy looking cuddle corner with not only my cup of noodles but also two smoothies and my favorite kind of chips

"Only the best for you" he gives me a quick kiss then sits down and gestures for me to sit next to him.

"So what did you do today?" I asked after he wrapped his arms around me, wanting to talk a little before starting to watch the anime.

"Just a lot of small things that didn't really need my interference" he says,

"Sounds like a good day, possibly boring? But hopefully relaxing." I reply,

"Yes I'm getting what I always said I wanted" he tells me,

"You don't sound too happy about that." I say,

"I just don't have too much to work towards. Happily ever after just can be a little boring" he explains,

"Maybe I can help you find a new goal" I say,

"I think my new goal is to keep you as happy as I can" he says,

"That seems to be too easy for you. I'd pick something harder to accomplish. But It seems like I need to put more effort in making you happy" I reply,

"Oh yeah? I got a few ideas" he tells me,

"I'm sure you do" I giggle
"But I have noodles to eat and you have your chicken" I say before using chopstick to shovel noodles into my mouth.

"What did you do today?" Keigo asks me,

"A bunch of my friends went to see who there soulmates are so I tagged along" I tell him,

"Did you find out who your soulmate is?" He asks,

"No, I could have if I wanted to but I don't know what I would have done if it somehow wasn't you" I explain,

"Explain a little more on what you mean by you "wouldn't know what to do"?" He asks,

"Well I know I would want to stay with you, but what would happen if I ever met them?" I explain,

"I guess that's a tough one. I Love you, and I can't imagine us not being soulmates" he tells me,

"but if we're not, and we can easily find our real soulmate, I'd still want to be with you but how would that feel if you found the person that a doctor says you're supposed to be with but they don't want to be with you because they Love someone else" I say,

"Maybe we can set up our soulmates with each other" he says,

"What about a Poly relationship?" I say,

"I'm sorry babe I'd need all your attention, it's hard enough sharing you with your "wife" Mina" he says making us both laugh,

"So keigo, what's my plan for when we move in together?" I ask,

"What do you mean?" He asks,

"Well I don't have a job or a real need for one. What would I do all day?" I ask,

"Well you could write another amazing book, you have a long list of anime to watch and I'm thinking about the idea of kids. We're both financially stable might as well do something to ruin that." he replies,

"Our kids would be the cutest. But I don't know if I could handle them once they get there quirks." I worry

"Imagine if they got your dads quirk" he says

"That would be a nightmare. I think I'll wait until you retire" I respond

"I could retire now" he tells me

"Would you really want to?" I ask

"Of course then I could spend all my time with you. We could do some traveling and spoil ourselves for a year or so before having kids I could even keep my hero license to keep you our kids and everyone around us safe" he says,

"That sounds pretty good" I smile,

(1169 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now