22. Manliest BFF

416 16 3

(Y/n) pov

'Freaking Bakugo, how the hell did he get in my head? I'm already in love with two people I can't have! I don't need to be crushing on a third. Stupid Bakugo, I hope his soulmate decides to be with him really soon. I tend to be less attracted to people when they have someone else. I'll just ignore this itsy bitsy crush like an adult, because it's still really nice being around Bakugo and I'm not willing to give that up.' I think while waiting for Red to pick me up. He told me Bakugo wanted to make sure I wasn't left alone with my thoughts, but he had agreed to help with something at UA.

"(Y/n)!" I hear muffled through the door so I go to answer it
"Bakugo sent me with food" Red smiles, his hands full

"Awesome" I smile

"Wait, weren't we supposed to go out to eat?" I ask

"That was the plan but, because Hawks made it public that you broke up, Bakugo thought it would be better if we stayed here." Red explains

"Oh... I didn't know he had made it public." I reply trying not to sound sad

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew." Red panics

"It's ok, I'm glad I found out from you instead of some meme or tik tok." I laugh
"So wanna eat then maybe we play a game?" I ask

"Yeah! What games do you have?" He replies

"Mixcraft, super smash, call of duty, over cooked, and just dance." I list

"We should totally play, just dance!" Red says excited

"Sounds good, but I can only play like three rounds. Because of how out of shape I am." I laugh

"That's good enough for me, we could just play minecraft afterwards." Red smiles

"Sweet" I smile
"So what did Bakugo make?" I ask

"Onigiri, sushi and taiyaki" he answers

"Awesome, I can't wait to taste it" I say excitedly, before my phone starts to ring

"Go ahead," Red tells me so I answer

"(Y/n)! Are you ok?!" I hear Mina loudly ask

"I'm pretty good." I say a little confused

"How could you be ok if you and Hawks broke up?!" She asks

"I almost forgot about that." I laugh

"Why are you so calm?!" Her voice gets louder

"It's actually been about two weeks since we broke up. I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you." I explain

"I'm coming home and you're telling me everything." She says

"Ok" I sigh
"By the way Red is here" I add

"I'll be home soon" she hangs up

"Mina's on her way here." I say

"I heard... So did she really not know you and Hawks broke up?" He asks

"I had only told Bakugo" I explain

"Why" he raises an eyebrow

"I just wanted space to deal with it on my own for a while, then there was just no opportunity to tell her. When I decided to start communicating with the outside world it just seemed like Bakugo would be the easiest to talk to." I tell him

"I'm still confused, why Bakugo?" He asks

"Well we started hanging out more, he was one of the people who had texted me. No offense to you or anyone else, but Bakugo is just easiest to talk to sometimes." I explain

"That last part is what seems weird to me. I mean I like talking to Bakugo, but it can still be difficult" he tells me

"I think I just like his honesty. I uh, I have really bad social anxiety so it's nice to be around someone who's willing to say pretty much anything. I'd know if he really hated me, because there's no way he'd spend any time with me." I say

"I think most people don't spend time with the people they hate." Red replies

"I love everyone I spend time with now, but in middle school I had a group of friends. I didn't hate them, but I didn't like being around them when they talked about certain things or did certain things. They weren't really bullies, they just had different beliefs, and complained about others because of their different beliefs. I would have stopped being around them, but I had nowhere else to go, I had a really hard time making friends. Honestly the only reason I have friends now is because of hawks." I tell him,

"I'm sure we'd still end up being best friends somehow." He says,

"Since when are we best friends?" I ask,

"As soon as you decide you're ready." He smiles,

"Ok you can be my manliest best friend." I smile back,

"Yay!" He replies a second after we hear the door open.

"(Y/n)!" Minas voice yells,

"Mina! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I tell her as she hugs me

(814 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon