18. Bakugo

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Bakugo pov

"Bakugo, you seem like you're upset about something. Are you ok?" Kirishima asks me

"I'm perfectly fine!" I reply not wanting to talk about my shitty emotions.

"I know that's not true." He says

"Just leave me alone." I groan

"Bakugo, you're acting immature. Just tell me what's wrong so I can try to help!" He shouts

"Fine! I feel like shit! But there's not anything you or anyone else could do to help me!" I shout,

"You can at least talk to me." He says calmly,

"Fine! It's about (y/n)." I admit, almost whispering

"What about them?" Red asks then I pull up my long sleeve to reveal the name wrapped around my forearm.
"(Y/n) (l/n)... shit dude I'm sorry. That really sucks." He reacts

"I got the stupid soulmark to get over her!" A few sparks go off in my hand, as I get more frustrated about the situation.

"You had feelings for her before you got the soulmark?" He replies

"Of course I did! She's perfect!" I yell

"I'm surprised, she doesn't seem like you're type." Red tells me

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I ask, Feeling offended.

"It's just that, she's so nice, and pretty." Shitty hair explains.

"She's also a badass, smart, and always seems to know what to say." I say

"I'm pretty sure I've seen her change what she was trying to say in the middle of her sentence. Then struggle for like five minutes trying to figure out how to get it to make sense." He laughs

"That's not what I meant, dumbass. She just says things that make me and I'm sure lots of other people happy." I mumble

"I get it, honestly I have noticed how Awesome she is." He tells me

"Like in the way I've noticed?!" I ask

"Dude she's engaged to Hawks, why would you get jealous over the small crush I have?" He replies

"So you do have a crush on her!" I get a little angry,

"Bro she's your soulmate, I'm not ever planning on trying to date her." He says
"So, what's your plan?"

"What do you mean?" I reply

"Maybe now's your chance to tell her. Before she ends up marrying Hawks." He suggests

"That's the stupidest idea you've ever had." I groan

"Why's that so stupid?"

"You really think she'd want that?! I'm sure the dumb ass big bird will beg for her forgiveness and they'll get married right on schedule!" I explain

"I'm confused, what did Hawks do?" He raises an eyebrow

"He found out his soulmate is alive because (y/n) told him while she was stressing about the possibility that he would leave her for them." I explain,

"What an asshole," he says.

"I don't think he was completely aware that she was crying because of that, but it's still such a dick move." I say

"You should tell her you're her soulmate now." He tells me

"Like I said that's a stupid idea! The only thing that would change is that she might end up feeling guilty." I explain

"Why do you think she'd feel guilty?" He seems to not get it

"Because she's a dumbass!" I say, thinking about how often she puts others happiness above her own. Definitely way too often!

"So you decide to just let her be with Hawks?" He raises an eyebrow

"I'm pretty sure Unless I kill Hawks there's nothing I can do to stop her." I tell him

"How do you know?" He asks

"She's said many times that she wouldn't leave him for me." I reply

"But she doesn't know that it's you." He says

"It's not like she's shown any interest in me as Bakugo!" My chest aches

"But she will eventually fall in love with you, right?" He asks

"She wouldn't even think about me like that for a second because of how stupidly loyal she is. Soulmates can just be friends, I'll have to live with that." I reply

"I'm sorry, I don't know how anyone could resist their soulmate like she does. Maybe you could find someone else that also can't be with their soulmate?" Kiri said

"I don't want anyone else! As much as I've tried I can't settle for less than her! We were literally made for each other! and she still doesn't want me! This is probably just karma, I've done a lot of mean shit." I only now noticed that I've been crying.

"Bakugo," shitty hair pulls me into a hug. I though about pulling away, but decided not to.
"You've saved thousands of people. I'm pretty sure that makes up for all your karma." He tries to cheer me up.
"If you really think she's the only person you'll ever love." He sounds like he's trying not to laugh.
"Hawks is older and technically weaker than you. Even if it doesn't happen soon He will most likely die before you and (y/n). So you could at least be old together." He tells me

"Shut up!" I laugh a little, but tears are still falling

(851 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now