24. Single

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(Y/n) pov

Y: Hey Red would you want to go on my honeymoon with me?

Red: why me?

Y: you've just really been there for me lately and I think it would be a lot of fun

Red: why not Bakugo?

Y: honestly, it's because you haven't found your soulmate yet.

Red: ok that makes sense

Red: Where would we go?

Y: it's a cruise to the Bahamas

Red: awesome!

Red: I should be able to go when would we leave?

Y: next Monday and We'd be back the Monday after that

Red: awesome! I'll make sure I can reschedule everything, but I'm sure I can!

Y: sweet! Are you and Bakugo planning on coming over today?

Red: yeah we're actually on our way right now

Y: then I should probably put on pants 👖 😂

Red: sounds like a good idea 🤣

As soon as I'm fully dressed I hear a loud knock on the door.

"Why the hell would you want to take shitty hair on your honeymoon instead of me?!" Bakugo yells as soon as I open the door.

"I, I just, I would rather take both of you, but I was just thinking I should take Red because he hasn't found his soulmate." I panic,

"I'm going too!" He says,

"I'd love for you to come too, but I don't know how well that would work with how soon it is." I say,

"I can figure it out! Just let me do all the planning!" He tells me,

"O-ok" I reply,

"Great!" He says,

"Wow! This is going to be awesome!" Red happily says,

"I'm really looking forward to it now." I say with a smile.

"Good." Bakugo responds,

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask,

"A little," Red answers,

"I was going to order pizza for us later." Bakugo says,

"You've been doing too much for me lately. I'll cook today." I tell him,

"What can you make?" Red asks,

"I think I have stuff to make spaghetti and meatballs or potato soup." I say

"Spaghetti sounds good." Red replies

"I'd be ok with that." Bakugo adds

"You guys better not be saying that just because it's the easier one you make." I say,

"No, I just rather have Spaghetti." Red tells me,

"Not because it's easier, just because it's faster." Bakugo replies

"I guess we'll have Spaghetti." I walk into the kitchen.

"I'll help," Bakugo says

"No, I want to feel like I'm doing something for you. Sorry I know there's a good chance letting you help would make it a lot better. I just feel like I need to do something." I explain

"Even if I help, they're your ingredients, and if it tastes better than that makes me more grateful." He replies

"I guess I'll let you help, but I want to do something else for you, because Mina bought the meatballs...
I think I get to pay for you to go on the cruise." I tell him

"No way!" He shouts

"Come on, if I'm already paying for Red, I'd feel bad not paying for you." I argue

"So what! If I'm going I can pay for myself!" He says

"Obviously you can more than pay for yourself. I just want to be able to show how grateful I am to have you in my life right now." I tell him

"If you wanted to pay for me then you should have invited me instead of shitty hair!" He yells.

"I was going to invite you, but I thought that you would want to stay close enough to be there for your soulmate. Also Red hasn't found his soulmate so I thought it would be really fun to hang out with pretty much the only single person I know." I explain

"I'm still single!" He shouts,

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think things with your soulmate were that bad." I say pretty quiet,

"They're not bad! She just isn't ready yet!" He tells me

"That must really suck." I reply not knowing what else to say.

"It's not a big deal! I'm sure she'll want to be with me eventually! " He seems angry,

"It doesn't seem like you're as confident as you're trying to sound." I reply

"For a long while he didn't think he had any chance." Red says,

"Really? I could understand them needing to be emotionally ready, but the possibility of them not wanting to be with Bakugo?" My face showed a look of confusion.

"It's a lot more complicated than that!" He shouts

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like talking about your soulmate. If you want we can just drop it." I say,

"That's exactly what I want." He grumbles,

"I'm going to start boiling the water." I walk into the kitchen, then turn on both the oven and the stove.

"I said I would help!" Bakugo yells as he walks into the kitchen.

"Bakugo, I really like cooking with you, but I really want to figure out how to thank you for everything you've been doing for me." I tell him,

"Dumbass, obviously something in the future is going to make me feel like shit. All you need to do is be there for me then." He replies,

"I'd really like to be able to do that. Just promise you'll let me." I tell him,


(894 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now