6. Dessert

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(Y/n) pov

"Can I get something to put this in?" I ask referring to the Ramen I didn't finish
"And I'll have honey toast" I tell the waitress

"Of course would either of you like a dessert as well?" She asks

"I'll have the same" Lord explosion says

"I'll just steal some from Bakugo" Red tells her

"Alright I'll have that out for you in just a moment" she says and a few seconds later she comes back with a Styrofoam bowl with a plastic lid

"Thank you" I say and she replies with a nod and there's a moment of silence that Red feels like he needs to fix

"So (y/n) if you could have anyone as your soulmate not including Hawks or people you never met who would it be?" Red asks

"I would probably pick Mina she's my best friend and we would make an awesome couple, or she would probably be the most understandable about me wanting to marry Hawks" I answer

"What about you?" I ask

"Bakugo or Mina" Red answers

"What about you Lord explosion?" I turn slightly to him

"I'm fine with the soulmate I have!" He, answers?

"Come on that's not the question" Red says

"Fine... I guess Kirishima" Bakugo replies

"Awe you guys are cute, have you ever dated?" I ask

"I used to have a crush on him but by the time we really talked about our feelings it wasn't a good time, with our separate internships" Red explains

"Like hell I'm sharing my side of the story!" Lord explosion replies

"You've met your soulmate, Haven't you?" I ask Bakugo

"I never said that" He says

"Well you said you're fine with the soulmate you have so I was assuming" I reply

"All I meant was that if a person was my soulmate there has to be a good reason for it so why would I trade number one!" He says

"I understand your logic. I just don't know what I would do if my soulmate wasn't ke- Hawks" I say

"You don't seem like you're that sure about him being your soulmate" Red says

"... I guess my expectations for a soulmate are too high" I hesitantly say

"And Big Bird doesn't meet them all?!" Lord explosion says

"I'm sorry I rather not answer that" I reply

"If you're worried about him finding out, you can trust us to keep a secret." Red says

"No, it's not that. I just don't want to say anything remotely bad behind my fiance's back. If I can say something to you guys I should be able to say it to him" I explain

"Are you saying you can't say it to him?!" Lord explosion asks

"There's just no need to, the biggest thing is something I need to work on not him" I explain before the waitress comes back with my dessert

"There's just no need to, the biggest thing is something I need to work on not him" I explain before the waitress comes back with my dessert

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"Thank you" I say before picking up my fork and eating some of the ice cream.

"How do you like it, Lord Explosion?" I ask,

"Nothing special" he replies then Red tries some.

"Nothing special? This is amazing! How can you not like it?" Red says,

"I never said I don't like it! It just tastes the same as any other honey toast I've had!" Lord explosion explains

"I've only had it from here and one other place. I guess there wasn't a very big difference between them" I respond

"Hey (y/n) wanna play the pocky game?" Red asks with a laugh after picking one up from the ice cream that was in the honey toast. Lord explosion hits him right after.

"She's engaged" Bakugo says

"Yeah sorry, Hawks can get a little jealous" I reply with a light blush

"What about you Bakubro, will you play with me?" Red ask

"In your dreams!" Lord explosion respond loudly

"I wish my soulmate was here" Red pouts as he eats the skinny chocolate covered biscuit.

"I'm sure in a few months a lot more people will know the name of their soulmate. Making it a lot easier for you to find yours" I tell him

"Unless she's already in love with someone else" Lord explosion says bitterly

"I'm sure most people are willing to give up a risky love for a guaranteed love" I counter

"Unless they're already married, have kids or maybe they're dead" Bakugo argues

"Come on don't freak him out" I tell him then we look at Red who does seems a little freaked out.

"Tch... I'm sure lots of people won't be able to be with there soulmates so even if that happens to you, you won't die alone" Lord explosion says attempting to calm him down

"Thanks" Red smiles at Lord explosion

"Wow Lord explosion. I don't think I've ever heard you say something that was remotely nice" I laugh slightly

"What?! I do nice stuff all the time!" He yells

"I know you do nice things all the time. you just don't say nice things too often" I explain

"Whatever, we barely hang out so how would you know?!" He replies

"Is that an invitation to hang out with you more?" I ask with a smile

"Why the hell not!" He rolls his eyes

(873 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now