31. Clubbing

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(Y/n) pov

"Why the hell would I want to go clubbing?" I hear Bakugo ask Red right after I finish changing in the bathroom.

"Come on bro, it could be a lot of fun." Red tells him,

"It's ok Bakugo, you don't need to go. I understand it doesn't sound like it's going to be worth staying up." I say

"It's fine I'll go," Bakugo replies, looking at me.

"Wow (y/n), you look good." Red tells me,

"Is it too much?" I ask blushing a little,

"I think it's just the right amount of casual that you could wear anywhere." Red says,

"Thanks, that makes me feel better." I tell him,

"So Bakugo, are you ready to go?" Red asks,

"I guess," he sighs,

"Really Bakugo, you don't need to if you don't want to." I tell him,

"No, it's alright, it's not like I'll be stuck there the whole time. I can just come back to the room as soon as I feel like leaving." He replies,

"Ok sounds good," I say before we start walking out of the room.

"(Y/n) your shoes," Bakugo says

"Thank you," I blush, putting on some sandals, then we all go to the elevator.

"What did you guys want to do tomorrow? I'm really bad with names of places, but there's supposed to be a really beautiful beach. I wanted to go snorkeling there, but if you guys would rather do something here, or" I start to say,

"Snorkeling sounds good," Bakugo says,

"Yeah, snorkeling sounds amazing!" Red adds, then we get off the elevator.

"Ok cool," I say, then we show someone our IDs and enter a very loud room.
"I'm going to get something to drink!" I shout over the music. Red nods to reply, it takes about fifteen minutes to get it, then maybe five more minutes to find Red and Bakugo.

"I'm going to leave!" Bakugo shouts, and I  try not to look too disappointed.

"Ok!" I reply, then he leaves,
"What happened when I was gone?" I ask Red,

"Nothing much, he was just starting to fall asleep!" Red explains,

"You're Red Riot, right?!" The attractive person Red was staring at during dinner asks.

"Yeah" Red replies,

"I'm a huge fan!" It's hard to tell if they're yelling out of excitement or just so he can hear them.

"Great!" Red smiles at them,

"Can I have your autograph?!" They ask

"Yeah sure," Red says, grabbing a napkin and a pen.
"What's your name?"

"Rye Otore!" They answer, making Red's eyes widen.

"Holy shit! Would it be ok for us to step outside?!" Red asks them,
"Sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable! Do you have a friend that would make you feel safe?!" Red asks, so they grab a friend and we all go out to a quieter space.

"Holy crap, I'm sorry Red Riot, I'm just a huge fan. Can you ignore all of the happy sounds I'm making?" They request,

"Oh my God, you're so cute," Red tells them, making their face turn red, while me and their friend just observe.
"Sorry, I'm not normally this forward. It's just, I'm pretty sure you're my soulmate." Red shows them his shoulder, which has an uncrossed name on it.

"Holy shit! This can't be real! Am I dreaming?! I'm I suddenly Y N in a fanfiction?" They're smile grows,

"So, uh, what do you want to do now?" Red blushes,

"I just, I want to get to know you better. Well I've been your biggest fan since the senior sports festival, but that still might mean I don't know you at all." They say,

"Reds pretty much exactly how he appears on TV." I say,

"Really?" They smile,

"I guess," Red rubs the black of his neck

"Otore, can I ask where you're from?" I ask

"Oh… I guess that is going to be a problem. I live in the UK." They explain,

"Oh," Red replies sadly,

"Since you're my soulmate, I'd be willing to go wherever you are." They tell him,

"I couldn't let you do that, Don't you have a job, friends or family?" Red says,

"They're kind of a loser," they're friend says,

"Hey!" Otore shouts

"Come on, I'm the only person you talk to." He laughs,

"Can I ask what your relationship is?" Red asks,

"I'm their cousin." He answers,
"What's your relationship with her?" He gestures to me,

"That's (y/n), you guys are friends right? I don't imagine her getting into a relationship so soon after calling off the wedding." Otore says,

"So you're single?" He smirks,

"Mark, stop it!" They hit him,

"No, it's ok, the break up happened a while before it was public." I reply,

"This was supposed to be your honeymoon though." Red says,

"And we're trying to pretend that I'm completely over him." I say with a big fake smile.

"I hope you can enjoy the cruise." Otore tells me,

"Thanks, I've really liked it so far." I reply

"Would you like to walk around with me? So we can talk some more." Red asks otore,

"I'd love to," they answer,

"You guys have fun," I say,

"Oh, um, your name's Mark right? Can I trust you to make sure (y/n) doesn't get into any trouble?" Red asks him,

"Yeah, definitely," Mark says, then red looks to his soulmate.

"You should be able to trust him" Otore says,

"I'll probably just have one more drink then go to bed." I say,

"Ok, then I'll see you tomorrow." Red says then I go back into the noisy club with Mark.

(940 words)

(Bakugo x reader Soulmate AU) On My WayWhere stories live. Discover now