Lesson Learnt

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Jadeen POV

Two month had gone by since Requilla and the baby had arrived home and I love every minute of it. I didn't have the time to get rid of Zaric and Alisha since I was busy with Requilla and the baby. But tonight, was the night.

As I finish putting on my black coat, I turn to Requilla rocking the baby to sleep. "Come back home safe to me", she looks up to me with a small smile. I nodded and kiss her's and the baby's forehead before turning to leave.

The entire drive to the warehouse, I was itching to get my hands on them. My anger was rising slowing but I had to remain calm and don't act out violently as yet. The warehouse was located deep in the woods. Away from all humans, hidden by the tall trees and bushes. Ty, Rodney, Chris and some of my men, all exit the car and slowly made our way down the path toward the warehouse. I look around taking in the scenery. The night was a little chilly but bearable. The moon light was block by clouds, giving the place a dark and gloomy look. It was silent also, the only think I could hear was the sound of me inhaling the last amount of my weed.

"Okay let's do this", I stated and open the door, making my way inside, then continue towards another door all the way in the back. I punch in the code before the door slide open revealing staircase leading down to a room of pitch black.

Approaching the room that Zaric and Alisha was in, I could hear her screaming for help and I felt a dark smirk growing on my face.

"Well, hello, you too", I taunt as Alisha slam her mouth shut and Zaric grunted. They both were chain to the ceiling as their body dangle in the air. I remember Requilla tell me that they were lovers. That he was the man that Alisha had the affair with. It's such a small world, ain't it.

I slowly made my way over to Alisha, gripping her face in my hand as I inspect the wounds that was healing. I could see the amount of fear flashing through her eyes and I love it.

Tsk tsk tsk that won't do I thought before moving to Zaric as he glared at me causing a grin to spread across my face.

I turn towards my tools that were spread across a table in the corner. "Mhmm what to choose" I repeatedly tap my finger on my lips as my eyes sweep over all the tools before landing on the the empty syringe.

I turn back my attention to them, "now who would like to go first", I stated as a craze look took over my features.

I slowly walk towards Alisha my gaze fixed upon her like a predator stalking its prey. I could see your body shaking as tears rush from her eyes down her cheek. Her mouth open and close not being able to say anything. I could feel the fear radiating off her and my grin widen. I stop abruptly and faked a look of sympathy "on second thought, I think I'm going to let you go." Her eyes widen with hope.

"I mean you was there for me when I didn't have anything and I was shadow", in my peripheral vision I saw Zaric's eye widen.

I fight to keep my face, sad and continue. "You help me so much, so, I'm going to let you go", I saw relief flooded in her eyes and I burst out in a fit of laughter, clutching my stomach.

"You really felt for that?", I chuckle darkly. I pulled out my gun and pull the trigger hitting her in the same knee that was healing. She let out a blood curling scream of pain and I laugh. Music to my ears.

"You really think I could ever forgive you, after you nearly killed my Requilla and my baby?" I grip her face. "You're so lucky I don't hit woman or else I would be smashing your face in right." I growled.

I pull her closer before sinking the syringe in her neck. I smiled as I watch her reaction, anytime time now and her heart will stop. "Thank you for everything that you've done for me. Now rot in hell."

I stood there for a moment just watching the light disappear from her eyes. Not satisfy as yet. I turn to Zaric, a grin stretching across my face.

I pull off my jacket before rolling up my shirt sleeves before heading back to my weapons. I roam my eyes over them, trying to see which weapon, calls out to me, before  my eyes land on the scissors. I pick it up rubbing my fingers over it as many ways of torturing  pop up in my head.

I turn back around to Zaric, cocking my head to side. "I'm going to enjoy torturing you." I pulled the tape off his mouth, wanting to hear his pain while I torture him.

"Requilla was just a whore, that got you pussy whipped", he mock. "I enjoy beating the shit out of her" he continue as my blood boil.

"I- I cut him off, forcing his mouth open as he struggles violently trying to break free from my gasp. I clamp the scissors around his tongue as he freezes, I could hear his heart thudding against his chest as sweat appear on his forehead. I smiled darkly "you're getting a bit too talkative," I press down on his tongue, cutting it out of his mouth as he trashes around screaming but then coughing violently as blood filled his mouth. I turn away, throwing his tongue on the floor, before going back to my tools table. I took up the chain saw as I thought, this is going to be a long night.

"You fucked with the wrong person", I snarled murderously. "You hurt Requilla and nearly harm my baby", I move closer to him as my anger flow throughout my body. "Let's this be a lesson to not fuck with me." I start up the chain saw as he shook his head, looking into my eyes as he tried to speak. I grin before I saw his leg off. Blood splatter all over me and the walls. I then do the same to his other leg. I could see that he was near to pass out so I had to make it quick.

I took up a syringe filled with toxin. "Lesson learnt?", I taunted as he nodded his head. "Good", I stated before plunging it in his chest. I watch as his eyes rolled back before he tried to scream. I could see his vein swelling before making a loud popping sound as they burst. Not long after I saw the life drain for his eyes and he was dead.

"Welp that was fun", I chuckle as I turn to leave. I needed a shower quick before I head home.

"You're one crazy motherfucker", Ty laughed as the rest of them nod their heads agreeing. I laugh also because he was right. I would go above and beyond my limit if it means to keep my family safe.

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