I'm Coming For You

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Jadeen POV

The room was tense, as my guards; some standing, some sitting, waited for me to explain the plan of how we're going to rescue Requilla. I stood up and buttoned my jacket before proceeding. "The location where Alisha and Zaric will be meeting is mostly surrounded by forests, and there is only one way in and one way out. If they try to run in the forest it's a high chance that they will become lost or get eaten by wild animals. Also I went ahead and place some traps at the entrance of the forest. So they would be dead before they have to chance to enter. In addition, since the warehouse is so deeply surrounded, nobody would see nor hear anything that happened there." I study the reaction of every single guard in the room.

"We'll surround the warehouse. I want men at every corner and on the roof. Don't make our presence known until I give the signal", I narrow my eyes at them as they nodded their heads.

"I'm going to need a few men sneaking in with me and the rest stay at the getaway car, understand? They nodded once again.

"Once I give the signal. Kill everyone in sight. But leave these three for me," I said, displaying a photo of Travis Vladimir, Alisha, and Zaric. Don't leave anyone else alive, got it?" I ordered. They all nodded, with a yes boss.

"Okay, let's move out", I took up my special gun, tucking it away in my waist bond and exit the room.

I'm coming for you love and I will kill every one of those motherfuckers that are involve. They mess with the wrong man and they're going to pay with their blood, each and everyone of them.

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