Moving In

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Jadeen POV

We were on our way to my home. I wasn't going to waste any time on moving her in with me. I can't allow anything to happen to her and the baby. I didn't know when it started, but I know I was feeling something for her that I didn't felt before, not even with Alisha, my ex.

I felt compelled to protect her from everything. My pulse began to intensify when I got a glimpse of her as she gazed out the window. I'm not sure what this emotion is, but I can't say I hate it.

I didn't pressure her to tell me what happened even though it was killing me, not knowing but I will wait until she feels comfortable enough to open up to me.

I parked and got out and went to open the door for her. "Thank you", she looked down shyly, and I chuckled before taking her bags from the back.

"Follow me," I whispered in her ears, nibbling on her earlobe slightly as she shivered. I smirk and turns towards the door. She stepped inside, looking around in awe with her mouth slightly open, and I just couldn't resist. "Close your mouth before I put something in it", she snaps her mouth close as she blushes, and I burst out laughing.

I took her to the guest room, unwillingly of course. I wanted her to sleep in my arms, in my bed, but it's too early for that.

"Well, here you go", she walked in, looking around as I gaze at her. "It's beautiful", she commented. "Yes indeed", I replied while continuing to stare at her. I shake my head and cleared my throat.

"My room is down the hall to your right. If you need anything, just let me know. Dinner will be at eight." She nodded, and I turn to leave, but before I could exit, she flung herself onto me, thanking me. I was surprised at first before I hug her back tightly. She let go, and I went into my studies to finish up some more work.

Not long after I head down to the kitchen to get started on dinner. Tonight I was just going to make something simple; curry turkey neck with white rice. I got lost into preparing dinner that I didn't realize that Requilla was behind until I turn around. "You know if you stand there staring at me like that, I would think that it's me you want for dinner", I smirked.

She blushes "do you like some help?" She asked sweetly. I shook my head, "no just sit down and look pretty", I replied.

I placed the food in-front if her and took my seat. I waited for her to dig in. A bit nervous. She took the first bite and moan, I could feel my dick twitch in my pants and try hard to not let out a groan. She kept moaning as she ate the food.

"If you keep moaning like that, love, I would have no choice than to bend over this table and fuck your tight little pussy".

She stiffened before lowering the chicken. "Uhm, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow." She change the subject, and I smiles and let it be.

"What time? I inquired and start eating. I could see her watching me as I place the food in my mouth and chews it before he swallows.

When she realize that I caught her, she clear her throat and turn away. "At twelve". I checked my phone making sure that I didn't have any meetings, when I saw that I was free, until 3pm I nodded my head letting her know that I will be there with her. A big smile stretch across her face and I felt my heart race. She was so beautiful. So refreshing.

We finish up dinner, and she help me with the dishes, before I walked her to her bedroom.

"Here's your stop", I smiled down at her. She look at me before placing a quick kiss on my lips and rush into her room. I stood there in the hall for a few minutes touching my lips. I could still feel the lingering of her soft lips even though it was a quick.

I strolled into my bedroom, a genuine smile on my face. I took a quick shower and fell asleep while thinking about her. She was reawakening a part of me that had been buried for a long time, and I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing.

I woke up to my phone ringing. "Who dis?"

(Who is this?)" I answer without checking the caller ID. Irritated that someone woke me up.

"Deen", a voice I knew all too well called out. I sat up wide awake with a scowl on my face.

"What the fuck do you want? I sneered. There was a pause before the voice replied "You". I scrunch up my face in disgust.

"What do you want Alisha?" I can't believe this woman. "I want you back Deen. I want us back. I miss you, baby." I recoil.

"I don't want anything to do with you. I've already moved on, now leave me the fuck alone", I ended the call before she could reply.

I got out of bed with my mood feeling like shit. I can't believe that she would want to pop up back up in my life after all these years. I took a shower and got dress and went downstairs with a scowl still plastered on my face.

As I enter the kitchen, my step faltered, and my mood brightens. Standing in front of me was Requilla with breakfast laid out on the table.

"What's this for?" I asked as I took a seat.

"Well, I just wanted to repay you for everything you've done for me. I didn't know what you like so, I made a little bit of everything".

On the table, there was bacon, eggs, bread, pancakes, and more. "Thank you, but you didn't have to", I smiled, taking a bit of everything. I took the first bite as she watches me. It felt like fireworks of flavor erupt in my mouth. "These tastes really good." "Thank you", she blushes. Before taking a seat.

We finished our breakfast and got ready to head out. Today she was wearing a floral dress with a little bit of cleavage. I lick my lips as she bends over to put on her shoes. I wanted to reach out and massage her boobs then make my way down to her pussy.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind from all those dirty thoughts and open the door for us to head to the appointment.

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