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Requilla POV

I was getting ready for bed when the lights went out. Weird, I thought. "Chris? Rodney?", I called out but there was no response. I got out off the bed and went to see what's going on. I don't know but it felt like something was terrible wrong. As I approach the stairwell, I heard the sound of a gun, going off twice, before it went silent again.

I felt the hair on my body stand still and a deep sense of panic settled in the pit of my stomach. I cautiously move back to my room and scan the area for anything I could use as a weapon. I spotted a baseball bat leaning up against the wall beside the closet. I quickly made my way over to it and took it up. As I hear footsteps making their way to my room, I gently slide into the closet, closing the door.

I held my breath as I look through gaps in the door. The room door screech open and in walks a man. I couldn't make out who it was since it was dark, the room was barely being lit up by the moon shining through the window.

"Oh princess," the voice taunt and I felt my blood went cold; that voice. It was him. Fuck it was him.

"I know you're in here. Come out, come out, where ever you are", I could hear the smirk in his voice and I grip the bat tightly ready to swing at him. He slowly approach the closet door and my heart quicken.

"You're only making it worse for yourself Requilla. Get the fuck out here now," he growled.

I felt sweat wash all over my body as I tremble with fear.

"Got you", he pull open the door and I swung the bat as hard as I can, hitting him in the face, hearing a crack. He cried out and topple over and I ran out of the room and down the stairs as fast as I can. My hand grasp the door handle when I hear foot steps approaching me quickly. As I swung the door open I hear a gun fired and burning sensation in my leg that had me screaming and falling to the floor in a pool of blood. I look to my side and saw two body lying lifeless and I burst into tears, when I realize that it was Chris and Rodney.

The last thing I remember was crying for Jadeen, and for Chris and a Rodney to wake up.  Zaric stood over me with a sickening grin stretching over his face, as I felt the darkness slowly taking over.

I woke up feeling disoriented and in pain. I look around to see that I was in a unknown room. I sat up to rub my head when I realize that both my hands and feet where chain to the mattress and that's when everything came rushing back to me; Zaric, the gun shots and Chris and Rodney laying in their blood. I look down to where I was shot and saw that it was bondage up. I look down at my stomach as I began to cry for both Chris, Rodney and the safety of my baby. He finally had gotten to me. But how? Jadeen had make sure to place more security around the house. He had made sure that at least seven guard was inside of the house along with Chris and Rodney, so how did he got past them. So many thoughts were swirling around in my head I was getting a headache.

I have to get out of here. I can't allow no harm to come to my baby. I can't lose my baby again, especially by the hands of Zaric. I thought back to the days with Jadeen holding me and promising too always be there for me. Jadeen my protector, my reason to live. I can't do this to him. Giving up will only kill him. I have to get back to my man.

With that thought I clear my head of all the self-doubt, worrying and fear. With the need to survive for my baby and Jadeen I was willing to do anything to escape.

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