The Plan

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Jadeen POV

After a week of making plans on how we're going to rescues Requilla, we finally initiate it. I invite Alisha over for dinner, with a promise that we will talk about getting back together. We also installed cameras in the room directly facing where she would be seated. So I can catch every movement and reaction of hers.

As I waited for her, I allow my mind to wonder back to everything that had transpired so far. I still couldn't believe that she would stoop this low. Putting a pregnant woman in harms way to get what she wants. I knew she was selfish but this. This is a different level of selfishness.

I actually thought her apology was genuine, it felt real. I genuinely thought that we could move on from what happened in the past but she's a conniving little bitch and I guess that will never change.

I can't wait to have them both begging for mercy, as I wrap my hands around there throat and suffocate both of the them.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the ringing of the doorbell. I got up, losing my tie and open the door. Alisha was standing there smiling up at me and I force a smile of my own and let her in.

"It's nice to see you again", she stated as I guid her to the table, pulling back the chair for her to sit.

"I knew you didn't mean what you said about wanting to go our separate ways", she smiled at me as I took a seat myself.

"No, of course not." I smiled back at her. This was harder than I thought.

She took a sip of the wine. I wished I had poison it, maybe not to kill her but at least weaken her. But, sadly Ty had talk me out of it.

"So when should I move in my stuff?" She asked. I raise and eyebrow, well that's quick.

Before I could reply, the door was open, and the butler for the night, enter with our food, saving me from answering.

He place our food down, as Alisha glared at him. I cleared my throat gaining her attention. She quickly change her expression and smiled sweetly. The butler, bow slightly before exiting and I turn back to her, "I thought I could get over you but I can't. You know that I'm only in-, I clear my throat, "In love with you. I only got with her because of the baby." The words felt like acid against my tongue and I tried hard not to grimace.

"Of course, I understand and I forgive you. Plus the baby wasn't even yours." She declared.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate.

"The baby wasn't yours, she was pregnant before she met you." She said proudly, like she knew something I didn't.

"And how would you know that", I narrowed my eyes at her.

She froze slightly, realizing her slip up. "Just rumors," she brush it off.

I would have to take a look into that, I made a mental note. She was definitely hiding something. But for now let's focus on getting her phone.

"I can't believe that she thought you could ever love someone like her. You need someone like me. To help you gain in the business environment. I can help you get more clients. She cannot. She's a bad imagine for your company. With me by your side, we can make millions," I grip the knife in my palm wanting nothing more than to gauge her eyes out. Just to listen to her screams as I plunge the knife deep into her chest and twist it.

I took a deep breathe to calm down. This is all for Requilla I chant over and over in my head.

I look at her. Like really took my time to look at her. Alisha was was beautiful woman. But that's on the outside. On the inside she was rotten. Cruel to the point that she would do anything to get what she wants without feeling guilty or care about who it affects, as long as she came out on top.

Was she always like this? Was I too blinded by the love I had for her, that I overlook her ways?

"I can't wait for us to move back in together", she look around the room in disgust. "This place is in need of a renovation".

I rolled my eyes, this was getting exhausting and she was getting close to feeling my knife in her eyes. I needed to get her phone.

I stood up, moving towards her "Why are we wasting our time talking about someone who is unworthy", I felt my heart ache. "Let us have some real fun", I lower my voice allowing it to become husky and she react as I had anticipated.

I pull her up from the chair and brush my nose against her neck trying not to throw up. "Do you want me to fuck you like the slut you are?", I grip her neck. I could strangle her right now. Just squeezed a little tighter and a little longer. And she would be dead.

She nodded, moaning.

"Go wait for me in my room, I'll be up in a minute." I push her to the exit.

"Don't take too long", she rubs her hand on my chest, trying to sound seductive. I held back a cringe as she let go and head upstairs.

I shook my body trying to get her lingering touch off me. I move towards her bag and took out her phone. It didn't take long to gain access to it and place a bug and a tracker on it.

"Deen, hurry up," she calls out and I shudder. I turn to the camera, "du suhm, my dick Naa go near dat"

"Do something, I'm not sticking my dick in that", I grumble. There's no way in hell, that I would cheat on Requilla. I like where my dick and balls belong.

It wasn't long before I heard her scream and footsteps running down the stairs. I turn around as Alisha and Ty came into the room. "What is he doing here? I thought that it was just us tonight",she whined like a child.

I turn to her and try to come off as disappointed as best as I could. When I'm done, I should be awarded for best acting.

"I'm sorry beautiful, but duty calls, so I'll have to postpone our plans for tonight. You understand right?" I run my hand through her hair, smiling down at her gently. I could just rip her hair out from her scalp right now. Better yet I could smash your face against the wall.

She glared at Ty. "Fine", she grabs her stuff before turning back to me.

"But a kiss would make me feel better", she batted her eyes at me. I swallow the vomit that was coming up my throat and smiled. I lower myself and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Requilla is going to kill me.

"That's not-

"Okay, time for you to go, we have business to discuss", Ty announced pushing her towards the door.

"I- he cut her off once more, by slamming the door into her face. I fell back onto the couch exhausted. It took everything in me not to kill that woman.

Ty came back into the room chuckling. "Don't start", I warn. He held up his hand in surrender.

"Everything's ready?", I asked, getting up, before making my way towards the office. "Yes, the bug and tracker as been activated."

"Good, I'm running out of patient and I don't think I can be in the same room with that woman without killing her". He nodded, agreeing as we got to work.

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