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Requilla POV

I turn around to face Yas, Mama Elaine, Ty, Chris, and Rodney, the four people who have become so important in my life. I never imagined that I would ever have one person much less several people in my life that would love and support me. Each and every one of them meant a lot to me.

Yas for helping me to get back on my feet, Chris and Rodney for protecting me from harm and treating me like a little sister, Ty for always watching out for me and offering me advice, Mama Elaine for showing me what mother love is like, and Jadeen for showing me what true love is like. I am forever grateful to have them.

"We are having a pool day", mama Elaine exclaimed walking into the kitchen as the rest follows. It's been a while since I had a day at the pool or a day to just relax. After moving in with Jadeen, I decided to sell my house, and with the money I added it to my college funds. I'm still not sure which college I'm going to apply for as yet, so until then I'm just saving up my money.

"We will finish this later", Jadeen whispered in my ear, squeezing my ass and I moan softly. "I hope you two aren't, doing the nasties in there", Yas yelled, walking into the room, as the rest of them chuckle. I shook my head and move away to go change into a swimsuit. I have gained a bit of weight. My hips became a little wider, thighs a little thicker and my ass well it had gotten a little bigger. Jadeen seems to can't take his hands off me. Like every chance he gets, he's either feeling my boobs, my ass or my vagina, and who am I to stop him. That would be disrespectful.

Before I exit the room, I turn to Yas, "Bitch it's time for you to pay up", I smirk as she laugh handing me my money.

"What's that about?", Jadeen peered down at me, curiosity lining his face. "We made a bet on what the baby gender was going to be, she was adamant that it's was going to be a girl, but I knew it was going to be boy". I smiled rubbing my stomach.

"Next time it's going to be a girl for sure", Yas grumble before walking away.

Jadeen shake his head amusedly. "She's right, we having a girl next. Then what ever gender comes after. I want 7 kids". I choke on my spit as I swirl around looking at Jadeen face. "Seven pickney?"

"Seven kids?!", I exclaim.

"Outta who fa vagina?"

"Out of who's vagina?" He laugh before walking behind the rest of them leaving me with a look of uncertainty but excitement. I really do want to have all of his children but the pain of pushing out one is a lot. But anything for my man I guess.

After I got changed. I step out into the back yard and made my way to the lawn chairs and sat down. My feet hurt and my stomach weighed heavily on my back, yet I was happy. As I laughed, talked, and enjoyed the sun with my family, It was the happiest I'd ever been.

I let my gaze wander around the back yard and spotted Chris and Yas in the back, getting a bit cozy. As her gaze falls on me, I smirk. I offered her a knowing grin, and she blushed and averted her gaze.

I then turn my attention towards Jadeen as he got out of the pool and my mouth became dry. It felt like he was coming out in slow motion as the water cascade down his chocolate skin, the tattoos seem to brighten under the wetness. His muscle flex as he holds himself up. I wanted to lick every inch of his body. I could feel my vagina becoming wet just by watching him.

"Take a picture it would last longer", I peeled my eyes away from his body as he walks towards me smirking. I took out my phone taking a picture, I mean he said I can.

He looks at me stunned but then shakes his head chuckling, but I wasn't finish. "Pose for me", I urged, I could see that he was going to deny so, I look up at him blinking my eyes and pouting "please".

He looked at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher but he eventually did what I ask.

Millions of pictures later he finally got tired and took my phone as I giggle. We got into the water with the rest of the guys while mama relaxes on one of the seats. This was the best day ever, I concluded.

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