Please #2

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"Continue from Jadeen PROV"

But- "Dr Barnett, Dr. Barnett". I look up to see a nurse rushing down the hallway . I turn my head away from them, as she came to a stop at the doctor's side.

How could I let this happen? I was suppose to protect her. I promise her, that I would. But I not only fail her but also my baby. My baby I never got to hold.

"She's alive" the words that broke me from my trance. I look up at the nurse and doctor. "What?" The doctors ask bewildered. The nurse nodded with tears in her eyes. Before beckoning the doctor to follow. I swiftly jump up and rush behind them. Before I was able to step in the room, the doctor push out his hand blocking my path. "I'm afraid you can't enter Mr. Sharpe" he look back at me with sadness in his yes.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to wait out here for you. I'm staying in that room, while you guys ensure that's she okay. You failed me once doc, don't do it again" I threaten, pushing him aside. As I step into the room, the other doctors and nurses stop what they are doing , looking at me with questions in there eyes. "Why the fuck did you stop, continue helping her" I shout.

They look at the doctor before proceeding.

I took my time to look at Requilla. "Where's the baby?" I asked alarmed. "Once her body shut down, we had to move quickly on getting the baby out. So we had to perform a C-section. The baby is currently getting check up as we speaks, to see if there's any complications. That's what I wanted to tell you before I was cut off." I felt a sense of relief spread across my chest. They are alive . They both made it.

After the doctor did a few check on Requilla he turn back to me. "Are you ready to see your son?" I nodded quickly. We both exit the room and lead me down the hall to another door. My heart was racing in my chest.

"Now the baby is doing fine, no major issue, nor complication. He's currently resting", he pointed to the baby sleeping.

I felt a tear slid down my face. I was so unbelievable happy. I slowly took a step closer to look down at him. I couldn't pin point all the emotions that was flowing through my body. I just knew that I felt like I was on to of the world. I felt alive.

"Both the baby and Requilla is doing fine. But once she wakes up I would have to do some further test to ensure it's okay to discharge her once she's fully healed." The doctor stated breaking me from my trance. I nodded gently still looking at my baby.

"Now, all we do is wait" he concluded.

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