The Message

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Jadeen POV

"Anything new", I ask Ty as he walk into my office. It has been two weeks since Requilla had gone missing and there was no sign of her. Chris and Rodney had woken up. No serious injuries, just bruises.

He shook his head and I sunk into my chair. I was beginning to lose my mind. The pain in my chest had worsen and my hunger for blood has deepen.

I knew he had an inside man, that explains how he was able to get past my security team but even after hacking my guards phones and burner phones, I was still unable to locate who was that person. I was beginning to feel hopeless. Before I could fade into my thoughts, my phone rings.

I answered and froze, staring at me was my little one sitting on the fucker's lap. I growled lowly trying not to lose my temper. I look up at Ty as he gesture to the tv and I know what he wanted. I connected my phone to the tv and leaned against my desk. It was silent. You could drop a pin on the floor and you would hear it. My heart was beating out of my chest. There was so much I wanted to say, wanted to asked but it's like my tongue was tied. So we just continue staring at each other. I allow my eyes to roam over her face. She look perfectly fine, not a scratch on her and I breathe a breath of relief. But that soon change when she leaned back on his chest and he slowly licks her neck. What the fuck was this? What's going on?

As I was about to speak, she beat me to it.

"I don't love you anymore Jadeen", her words hit me like a truck at full speed throwing me to the pavement. I felt a lump forming in my throat, making it hard for me to swallow.

"I never did, I was just using you to get over Zaric but I know I couldn't do that. Zaric is my one true love and you should move on and be with someone, like your Ex-Alisha."

She can't actually mean anything that she's saying right? She doesn't mean that, I refuse to believe it.

"Your Ex-Alisha is the reason for me to leave. I saw that she was more deserving of you and that she's a better fit for you. You and I come from different back grounds and it's best I stick to mine and you stick to yours. So be with your Ex-Alisha and don't look for me anymore".

It was like I was hearing her speak but I couldn't understand. I couldn't seem to comprehend the words flowing from her mouth. My mind refuse to gasp it.

Requilla the only woman I decided to give my heart to after never trusting a woman again, would ripped it out of my chest like that. Just like that? With one final blow to my heart she turn around and kiss him on the lips as the call ended.

I screamed, pain filling my voice. I pulled the tv off the wall and hurl it through the window. I was beyond pissed. I'm shaking with anger.

This bomboclaat gal. Afta everything me do fi Har, she think she can deal with my heart su? Me ago murder Har blutclaat. The two a dem dead.

This fucking bitch. How can she do that, after everything I've done for her. She went ahead and still fuck me up like this. I'm going to kill them both. Just wait until I get my hands on them. They think they can do me like this and get away with it. They thought fucking wrong.

A Night To RememberМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя