The Ex

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Requilla POV

We finally arrive at Jadeen's company. I don't know if it was because I was excited or nervous but the journey felt longer than usual. We exited the car and made our way to the side of the building, away from the public eye, where there was a elevator.

The elevator stops on Jadeen's floor and I made my way towards his door. As I drew closer, I heard two voices arguing, one of which was Jadeen's and the other was a woman I've never heard before. I stayed for a while just listening to Jadeen telling her off until it went silent and that was my cue to enter.

I burst open the door and saw that bitch attaching her crusty lips to my man's and I became enrage.
"But a weh the blutclaat a gwan in ya su?

"What the Fuck Is Going on In Here", I shouted, gripping the door handle to stop myself from hitting this bitch. I glared at her then at Jadeen, I knew he didn't do anything wrong but the face he was giving me was quite amusing.

"Who are you?", she snarled looking me up and down in disgust. I size her up not backing down, "I'm his baby mother and I suggest you take those nasty ass fingers off my man before I do it for you", she paled and I saw Jadeen stiffened and I try not to laugh.

"I can explain, it's not what it looks like", his voice tremble but I held up my hand cutting him off.

"How could you?" I ensure to make my voice fill with pain. He tried to explain once more but I glared at him.

"Go sit down, I'll deal with your ass when I'm finished with this whore", I could tell he wanted to defy me, but all it took was one look for him to sit down at this desk. I return to her with a smug grin, and she stares at me surprised.
"Me a give you two seconds, fi come out, before me mash up, uh blutclaat"

"I'm giving you two seconds, to get out, before I fuck you up,"I said, calmly.

"Do you know who I am?", she replied folding her arms.

"Does it look like I give a fuck", I mock.

"I'm his wife. His first love". She declared, with a smug look.

I walk towards her slowly, chuckling. "No honey. That's where you're wrong. You're his EX- and I'm emphasizing on the word EX. You're his ex- wife, that he use to love. You lost a good man when you decided to whore around. He's now with me and he doesn't want anything to do with you. So save the embarrassment and get the fuck out of here."

She glared at me before looking at Jadeen, then back at me. "This isn't over", she brush past me and out the door.

It was silent before I slowly turn towards Jadeen. He was about to speak when I held up my hand stopping him.

"Was I scary enough?', I asked

He snap his head up at me. "What?"

"Did it seems like I got my point across", I folded my arms, waiting for an answer. He look at me still in shock and I bite my lips trying to contain my laughter.

"Aren't you mad at me?" he asked, puzzled.

"No, I heard everything. I just wanted you to suffer." I smiled, moving towards him, before lifting my dress sitting on his lap. He glared at me playfully before spanking my ass.

"That was mean. I thought I was going to die", he breathe out.

I laughed before pulling his lips agains mine.

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