The Appointment

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Requilla POV

We entered the building and made our way up to the receptionist. "How may I be of an assistant? Her voice coming out sultry, as her eyes slowly roam over Jadeen's body. I looked to see if he was looking at her, but his eyes were focusing on his phone.

I felt a sigh of relief, and I look at her smugly as her features transform into one of disappointment.

"We are here to see Dr. James," I spoke up, and her eyes snap to me as if she's, just realizing that I was standing there. She stares at me in loathing, and before I could put her in place Jadeen speaks up. "If I were you, I would wipe that look off your face before I take out your eyeballs for you". I snicker softly as her face morphs into one of terror.

"Ah Miss Tomblinson, I was waiting for you, just come right this way", we were interrupted by Dr. James strolling toward us. I gave her one last look before following Dr. James to the exam room.

"Change into this, and we can start the examination", he glances at me and then to Jadeen and stiffen slightly. "Uhm, Mr. Sharpe?, Dr. James stuttered in a confusing manner. "Are you here with Ms. Tomblinson?" He nodded his head and took a seat.

I took the gown and head into the bathroom to change. When I enter back into the room, Mr. James was no where to be found. "Where's the doctor?"

"He stepped out for a min, saying it was an emergency and that he will allow someone else to proceed with the exam", Jadeen replied walking towards me. I don't know why, but I felt like he was either lying or hiding something from me, nevertheless I drop it and got my self situated on the table.

As he stood before me, Jadeen stared down at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes. He suddenly grips my neck and teasingly flicks his lip against mine. Minutes felt like hours as I waited for him to make the first move. But before our lips could meet, we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I jump away from him as we turn towards the person.

"Uhm, hi, I'm doctor Walson, and I'm here to carry out the ultrasound", she stuttered. I smiled as Jadeen glared but still turn to take a seat.

The examination began and we confirmed that I was month and a few weeks pregnant. We were given instructions on what to do and what not to do, as well as when we should return for our next appointment.

I still can't believe I'm going to have a baby coming out of my vagina in eight months. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't see when Jadeen came up in front my me. "Are you okay little one? He asks while looking over me in a concerned manner. I felt my heart melt as I looked into his grey eyes. No one otherwise from Yas ever looks at me with so much care, and I felt like crying. "Yes", I cleared my throat. "I just can't believe this is happening". He hugs me, and we thank the doctor and left.

We arrive back at his house, and I went to my room as he went to his studies. I was feeling really tired and just wanted to lay down. As my face hit the pillow, I was out.

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