I Can't Control Myself

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                                  Jadeen POV

I was in my studies rearranging some documents. I left Requilla to herself because I knew she was overwhelmed. I was just putting away my stuff when I heard the front door open and a little later, "Yo Jay get your ass down here", Ty hollered, I sigh and rolled my eyes, he's my best friend and all but I would definitely hang him.

I got up and walk down the hall, I stop at Requilla room, knock and waited. When I didn't get an response, I open the door and saw her sleeping. I step into the room and rounded the bed. I kiss her forehead and run my hand softly on her face before leaving the room.

I head downstairs, Chris, Ty, and Rodney were laying around my living room like they own the place. "Weh unuh want?"

(What do all of you want?), they turn towards me before turning back around ignoring me. I shrugged and sit down.

"Where did you disappear off to when we all were at the club", Rodney asks out of the blue as the rest of the guys turns towards me. I smirk turning my head wondering if I should really tell them. "OH, you got some good pussy, I see you", Chris said as the other guys' laugh.

I smirk as I remember how tightly she fits around my dick, she also seems a bit inexperienced. She's not a virgin that's for sure but she still has that innocent aura about her. She even sucked my dick all innocently but at the same time I could see that she was a whole freak. I would just have to bring out that side to her. I smiled feeling giddy just thinking about her having my baby.

"JAY!", Ty yelled in my ear causing me to jump.

"What??", I looked at them confused.

"Damn, it was that good huh? Have you here daydreaming and shit", they burst out laughing as I shake my head. Idiots

"I got someone pregnant", I blurt out. They all froze before turning to me checking to see if I was joking. After a long pause Rodney spoke up," I don't think we heard you right, say that again".

I rolled my eyes, "I got someone pregnant". They continue to stared at like I was some unknown creature. "When did this happened", Ty inquired.

"I met a Lil ma at the club", I started. "She was the stripper that walked on the stage a few minutes after I got there". They nodded in recognition and I continue. "I got her in the private room and we did our thing but I didn't use a condom and well now she's pregnant".

They sat there just looking at me.

"How are you sure the baby is yours and she's not just looking for someone to pin the baby on?'.

"Well I'm not a hundred percent sure but the dates do add up, plus I'm planning on doing a DNA test".

Ty sigh.  "Do you know anything about her, where she's from, does she have a boyfriend, is she tie to your past?"

I run my hand through my hair, "I don't know much about Ma; all I know is that I want her and that I'm going to have her. I also want Chris and Rodney to be her guards because as soon as this news gets out, people will harass her, and I can't allow that to happen. I promise her that I will be there for her throughout her pregnancy and that I will do everything in my power to keep her safe",I looked at the guys, taking in their reactions.

"I'd like to keep an eye on her as well. To analyze the changes of her body". My fist clenched.

I can't let what Alisha did to me happen again; they all knew what that horrible bitch did to me.

But I don't know, something within me just knows that with Requilla it was different.

They nodded their heads showing that they understand and didn't question me further.

We sat and talked for a few minutes. I knew Requilla would be up soon and will be hungry, so I got up and went to the kitchen, followed by them.

"She even have you cooking and shit, you never did that for us", Chris sobbed, holding his hand over his heart. "I'm hurt". I rolled my eyes as they laugh; a bunch of idiots, I tell you.

They kept on making jokes and I was about to tell them to fuck off when Ree walks into the kitchen rubbing her eyes before stopping when she realized that we had company.

I let my eyes roam over her body when I saw what she was wearing. She was in very short mesh shorts and deep cut mesh crop top. I could feel my dick harden but then my anger heightens when I realize they were starring.

"Get the fuck out now!", I growled causing Ree to jump. They got up, holding up their hands with smirks on their faces, then slowly backing away, out the room. Ty was the last one out before he stops in front of her, taking her hand.

"Hi, I'm Ty that idiot best friend", he said while kissing her hand and I swear I saw red. I lunge at him but before I was able to grab a hold of him, he ran through the door laughing. I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself down when I felt a hand on my back and stiffen. "Jadeen", she called softly and I melt.

I love how my name rolled off her tongue. I turn around and pull her into my arms and breathe in her scent. "I'm sorry about that, I just don't like when someone else stares at what's mine", I hug her tighter as I felt myself getting work up again.

She giggled as she looks up at me. "you think that's funny huh?", she laughs nodding her head. "well, you won't find it funny when I have you tie to the bed while I make you cum over and over and over again until your entire body becomes sensitive and you can't manage anymore and even then, I will still force another orgasm out if you ", and she shut right up as I smirk, knowing that it was a promise I intend to carry out. She blushes furiously and turns away.

"What's for dinner?", I smirk with a mischievous glint in my eyes as I roam my eyes over her.

"You, if you let me get a taste of that juice between those wonderful legs of yours", she stiffens as I hold onto her waist.

I attach my lips to her neck as she melts into my arms. I trail my tongue down her neck leaving wet kisses, before going back up to nibble on her earlobe softly. She let out a small moan that has my dick straining against my pants. I slowly trail my hands up her delicate chocolate skin towards her scrumptious breast and gave them a light squeeze. I wrap a hand around her neck and hold her in place and listen to light moans she falling from her lips.

I can't wait to have her again, but before we could go any further, I smelled something burning. Fuck, the food. I quickly let her go and attend to it.
It was badly burnt, so I throw it away and turn back to her. She was still standing where I left her, lost in her thoughts.

"Little one?", no reaction, so I tried once again, "Principessa", I said a bit louder and she finally peeks at me blushing.

"What got you spacing out like that? Want to share what's on your mind?", I teased. She glared at me as I chuckle.

"The food is destroyed so I'm just going to order pizza, what do you want?"

"Pineapple topping", she replied moving her eyes to the stove and then back at me. "Okay baby girl", I replied and purposely brush up against her as I exit the kitchen to make the call.

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