The Gifts

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Requilla POV

I was tired and sore, laying on the couch rubbing my stomach, watching as he work. I ended up staying for the remainder of the day since he didn't want me to leave. As he work, he would rub on my stomach or talk to the baby. I was falling hard for this man and I don't know how I will cope if something to ever happen to him.

I continue to watch him, taking in every inch of his body. I love the way his muscle strain underneath his suit. How it fits so right and made him look so hot. I love the way his eyebrows would crease whenever he's thinking too hard about something. The way he would play with one of the dreads to release the tension in his body. They way he sit and his muscular legs spread out. He was a very big man in every way. I turn away clearing my mind. I swear these hormones are making me a horny mess.

"Are you okay beautiful?", I turn my attention back to him, blushing, as he look at me, smiling.

I smiled "Yes baby, I'm okay", he nodded and got back to his work.

He really was handsome I thought as I allow my eyes to roam over his face. Those thick sharp eyebrows, grey deadly eyes I fell in love with and those luscious lips I can't seem to get enough of. I love the way his dreads always in a messy bun or how it will flow down this back when he washes it and air dry it. I love the way he would give me those panty-dropping smirks or those smiles that always lighten up his face. I love the way his nose would twitch when he's getting frustrated or when his voice would deepen when he would become angry or horny.

I was brought out of my thoughts when he got up. "Ready to go get some lunch?" I nodded, getting up. We walk out of the office and into the elevator.

As we step into the lobby everyone seems to stop what they were doing. When the news broke out that I was pregnant for Jadeen, it was a hectic. Reporters from all over wanted to get a word with me. I never went anywhere with my body guards; Chris and Rodney unless it's with Jadeen and even then we had a few bodyguards lingering around unnoticeable.

I could feel the eyes on us, as we walk towards the exit. I still wasn't use to the attention that came with being Jadeen Sharpe's baby mother so, I move closer to him. He stop and look at me before allowing his eyes to wonder around the room.

"Get back to work and mind your damn business", he barked and everyone snaps their eyes away from us and I sigh in relief. There were still some lingering gaze but it wasn't that bad. He kisses the side of the head and moves us forward.

We were driving for a while, and I had no idea where he was taking me. "I thought we were going to have lunch I turn to him".

"We are, I just never said where", he replied sneakily.

I rolled my eyes before looking back out the window, enjoying the view. It wasn't long until we pull up to a dirt road. "Uh plan fi kill me?"

"You plan to kill me?", I look around at the deserted area.

"Yeah, and hide uh body"

"Yeah and hide your body", he smirk evilly.

"I know it, you're tired of me. Oh well I live a long life. But can you grant me one wish before you take my life?

"Wa dat?"

"What's that?", he raise an eyebrow at me.

"Can we have sex one more time", I pleaded.

"Uh only care bout me hood?

"You only care about my dick?", he gasped with his hand over his heart, amusement dancing in his eyes.

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