The Visit

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Requilla POV

Four Months Later

Our lives have become routine. Jadeen would rub my stomach and speaks to the baby every morning and every night. If we aren't at his office, we are at home, just cuddling and enjoying each other's company. Whenever I'm home alone, I would go through a few colleges for when I'm ready to apply. I mean balancing college and a baby will be hard. But I know I will be okay. I have Yas and Jadeen along with the other guys; Rodney, Ty and Chris. I admit that when I initially met all three of them, I was a little afraid of Rodney because he appears to be somewhat frightening, but with time, we got the closest. He was a wonderful person. A big softy.

They all treated me as if I was their younger sister, and they were just as protective of me as Jadeen.

Jadeen has been a wonderful gift in my life. He treats me like a queen. He showered me with compliments, every chance he got. We'd go for long walks or go to places I'd always wanted to see. He would always find time in his busy schedule to have lunch with me or simply tour the city. He was patient, attentive and wonderful in every sense. I couldn't have ask for a better man to be in my life. He treated me with such kindness and respect, and as time goes by, I began to fall in love with him and everything about him.

I've know I love him from the first time I needed him and he didn't hesitate to be there for me. I was just afraid to accept it and let him know of my feelings. I'm afraid that he doesn't feel the same way I do. I'm afraid of his rejection.

I was deeply in love with this man. Everything about him makes me happy. Just by hearing his voice brings a smile to my face. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him.

I still haven't met Jadeen's mom as yet. Unfortunately she was still on her vacation all the way in Bora Bora. So I would have to wait until she gets back to meet the woman that grew this man into a wonderful gentleman.

Shockingly we haven't heard anything more from Zaric, which was unsettling. I don't know if he's planning something big or by some miracle, he just changed his mind and decided that I wasn't worth it. I was hoping for the latter. But I couldn't dismiss the lingering thought that something horrible will transpire to shatter my happy bubble soon.

Yas grew close to the guys as well, but she and Chris appears to be becoming closer by the day. I knew they liked each other, but they were both denying it. I'm just giving them some time before I play matchmaker up in this bitch.

I woke up to the ringing of my phone, "hello?"

"Get your lazy ass out of bed, I'm coming over," Yas chirps into the phone. I laughed and hang up. I showered, got dressed and went looking for Jay. I went downstairs because he wasn't upstairs, and I saw a plate of food and a note in the kitchen.

"I went into the office to finish up some work, make sure you eat and wait for your handsome man to get home",

I giggle, reading the note. I began to eat my breakfast when the door burst open. "I'm here bitch," Yas yelled as she strolled into the house. I chuckle, before hugging her and move into the living room.

"You look so beautiful pregnant," Yas commented, stroking my stomach as she always does when she visits. "And so will you," I replied.

She's always wanted kids, but only when she finds the right person, which I can't wait for, even though the right guy is outside.

"How is it going with your man?", she smirks looking at me. I blush looking away as I felt tingles running through my body just thinking about him. "He's wonderful", I stated dreamily and Yas laughed. I couldn't get the smile off my face. I felt extremely happy as I rub my stomach.

"He also lost a baby", Yas gasp, covering her mouth, I sighed feeling his pain "His ex terminated the pregnancy without letting him know and there was a possibility that the baby wasn't even his", I scowled. I was getting work up just thinking about that conniving bitch.

"Okay, just calm down, he's no longer with her, he's with you now and you're giving him a baby and being there for him". I smiled looking down at my stomach. I know he will be a great dad. I can't wait for the baby to get here.

"I know", I giggle "He deserves nothing but the best and I'm planning on giving it to him", I smile zoning out thinking about our future together. I know it won't be easy but I'm willing to go through everything with him once he is.

"Why not surprise him with visit?" Yas suggest, I turn towards her as she stares at me with a glint in her eyes. I thought about it for a second before I nodded "but you got to look sexy for your man", I laugh as we headed upstairs.

I was dressed in a black off the shoulders dress that stopped just above my knees. It was simple but seductive.

"If I went that way, I would be all upon you", I laugh as I look at myself in the mirror. I was looking good as fuck. It was deep cut, exposing a little of my boobs. It also fits my body like a glove, revealing all of my curves. In this dress, my stomach was looking amazing.

"Okay wish me luck", I hug her. "Girl you don't need luck, he will be dropping to his knees when he sees you", she smacks my ass as I playfully glared at her. I shake my head as she left.

I turn to my bodyguards. "How can we help you today sis?" Chris asked, "I'd like to visit Jadeen."

"Is he aware that you're stopping by?" he looks at me puzzled.

"Well no, I want to surprise him," I smiled.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. We have to report to Jadeen about your every move." I sigh, "please, please, I dress up just for him. I just want to surprise him." I stare up at them pleadingly, making sure my eyes tear up a little and I know they will crack soon.

They stood there for a while just looking at me until they sigh, "fine but if anything goes wrong which I hope will not, you have to protect us from your man", Rodney narrowed his eyes at me playfully, only half-joking.

I bounce up and down, clapping my hands as they smile down at me shaking their heads.

Chris was the one to speak up "come on let's go", and he led the way while Rodney follows behind us. We get into the car; it was an SUV, and I noticed the other men getting into similar vehicles. We left and drove to Jadeen office. I was a bit anxious because I didn't know how he would react.

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