The First Encounter #2

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Jadeen POV

"A time fi start get ready fi work son"

(It's time for you to start getting ready for work son)," mama Elaine said as she steps into my work out room." Okay mama", I replied, hitting the punching bag one more time. Mama Elaine was like a mother to me, and the only person I care about in this fucked up world. I didn't know who my parents were and I didn't care to know. All I knew was that I was mixed between Jamaican and Italian.

I was in the foster care system ever since I was a baby and was then adopted by mama Elaine at the age of 16. She didn't have much, but she did whatever she could to give me what I needed. Even when I gave her a hard time, she never sent me back. She was understanding yet firm. Loving and the best mother I could've asked for. Even with the beatings I got when I was being a hard headed, I was still grateful. If it wasn't for her. I wouldn't have been the man, that I am today.

I went upstairs to my room to shower, get dressed before heading back downstairs to have breakfast. I kissed mama on her cheek then head out to work.

Todays choice of car would be my second favorite, which was a custom BMW G4, aqua-blue spray paint, tinted windows. A beauty. I slid into my car and peeled off to my company reaching in no time. It took me about 25 minutes, 10 if it wasn't for the traffic.

I park and got out, my gaze fixed on my building, my building. That felt so refreshing. I still couldn't fantom that I was the one that made this happen.

I was the CEO of SS Technology and Media, a well-known company both locally and internationally. I was the youngest individual to reach such heights at the age of 24. After four years, it still remained at the top.

As I stepped into the lobby, everyone seems to stop what they were doing and looked at me, but not looking into my eyes. Now, I'm not a bad boss, but I'm firm and I don't tolerate disrespect nor laziness. I fought hard to make this company number one, and I appreciate my workers to have the same mindset.

I kept my face emotionless and kept walking to my private elevator which was accessible only by me, and stop right inside my office, which was on the 20th floor.

I greeted my employees with a head nod. Some stared at me with fear, some with respect and some flirtatious. Nothing I wasn't use to. Not to sound cocky, but I know I am a handsome young man, dark skin with a lot of tattoos, tall dreads that I kept neat and tidy, and a muscular body, standing at 6'6.

My company did almost everything to do with technology, from developing devices to creating applications.

I remember when I first started this company, it was primarily technology-based because I was (and still am) a computer nerd. I developed software that allows police officers, special forces, and military personnel to trace block signals, and it was a tremendous hit. It was beneficial not only locally but even globally. Now, with this type of equipment comes a lot of risk, so I have my security team, which consist of two of my Best friend being the head of the organization. Their team are station 24/7 around my house, my mama house and my office at all time and I also carry a gun throughout the day.

"Sir, Mr. Dickinson is here to see you", I snap back into reality, looking at my secretary Miss Niole. She was a nice lady who didn't try to throw herself at me but do her job quickly and efficiently." Okay, send him in," I acknowledge her, opening up my laptop to check my emails.

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