Chapter 35 Her Holiday Break

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I find myself fiddling with my guitar, the blue JSM 100 gifted to me by Chae-unnie, in a chilly afternoon at my room. It's the 29th of December, four days since the night at her parents' house, the third day I am confined here at the dorm, third day of just lazing around, doing anything that sounds appealing until I'm tired and would sleep for long hours. Actually, the most that I've been doing is sleeping, in the sofa or in my room, wherever I would doze off.

Staring into the dark wall, my mind travelled down to memory lane. After that talk about fan service, Chae-unnie and I continued as we are, the close bestfriends. While we are working on our promotional song and MV, we messed with each other a lot, like we do at the dorm. We would also pick the maknaes as our victims so the tiring activities was lightened a little. And all these, are actually being recorded and some appeared on the BTS of the MV.

PDA? The usual! Unnie likes hugging, I've learned that. Every now and then, when appropriate, she would engulf me in a bear hug, or side hug, or even a back hug, and so do I reciprocate. I didn't mind, we do that at the dorm also with the maknaes. And on-cam, we also do those with them.

What's new and surprised me was one time when we were on a TV Show and she kissed me on the cheek. She only did it once when she was drunk months ago, so when she casually did it in front of others, I was shocked. I quickly recollected myself though and smiled, telling myself, fan service, fan service.

As we started with the promotions, she became more clingy. On our way to the shoots, either for magazines, TV shows, or interviews, she would link her arms with mine and stay close to me, although we know that there are a lot of media and fans witnessing these. During the shoots, she would always choose to sit beside me. She makes sure I'm okay the whole duration of the activity by either asking me verbally or glancing at me every now and then. The hugs were there, and the cheek kiss was followed for more times. What surprised me is that, I have no objection on any of it. For me, everything of that was normal for us bestfriends, and I refuse to accept that she is being like that just for fan service.

As wished by our CEO, this sparked the social media, making them curious about Gen-Chae, and then eventually, our whole group. We are continuously gaining fans internationally and they are starting to set up more fan sites for us.

The downside however is that, I was being labeled as 'lesbian just like unnie', a leech- sucker for the sake of popularity, and whatever mean comments you find in there. Chae-unnie talked to me about it since it isn't a secret to her and advised me to simply ignore it, because we both know the truth. After months of receiving random hates, I've started to be immuned so I just followed her word.

Lisa unnie is another topic though. According to our source, she was devastated. The source even commented that even she almost believed the reality of our fan service if she has no direct contact with us. That means we are good actresses eh? I should shift to that industry then. According to her, Lisa unnie started avoiding Reeya, almost declining all her invitations. The once happy countenance was clouded with sadness. She even described her as just like a machine, guess she lived up to her title as the dancing machine, but she meant she is just like a robot, doing only her job and she was done.

What irritates me is that we cannot even contact her directly. She won't answer our calls and would turn off her phone if we persist on calling her. I tried sending her a voicemail but to no avail. I can't tell her exactly what I wanna say on a voicemail because that would be dangerous so how on Earth will I explain to her everything?

As to Chae-unnie? You might be thinking she finally moved on but hah! She's the best at wearing masks. She could mask away the true emotions she is wearing in, effectively deceiving people. She showed herself to other people as happy and care-free. She was all smiles on public appearances. But after everything, when she thought she's alone and free from scrutinizing eyes, she would fall back to a broken Chaeyoung.

Deserted Yet Foundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें