Chapter 14 First Day at Work

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Monday morning, August 14, 2023, we are expected to report to our CEO at exactly 8 am. I'm sure we will be talking about our preparation to debut our new girl group. I was awoken by movements and inaudible sounds outside my room. At first, I was even wondering who are with me until I came to my senses. I checked my clock and my eyes widened when it displayed 7:00.

"Sh*t" I cursed as I quickly got up from my bed. I fixed it and then rush to my bathroom. After a very quick shower, I throw in clothes and apply my make up. When I was finally prepared to go, I checked the clock. 7:30, I sighed as I went out my room. I am making my way to the living room when Jeed yelled.

"Unnie, where are you going? Come here at the kitchen and have breakfast!" she called.

"I don't think we still have time. We have to be there by 8" I replied as I approached the kitchen.

"A quick bite won't last for 20 minutes unnie" she said as she pushed a plate ladden with food in the table in front of me.

I looked at her contemplating on what to do and then glanced at my wrist watch. Then she shook her head.

"Eat, we won't leave if you won't. Tomorrow, I'll make Genie wake you up early" she stated.

Hearing the finality in her voice, I sat down and quickly devoured the food. I'm glad she left when I started stuffing my mouth with food, she won't see how disgusting I am acting right now. But because I'm in a hurry, I choked, and started gasping for breath.

"Damn unnie!" I heard someone exclaim and in a flash, a cup of water was almost shoved into my face.

I gladly drank the water clearing my airway and I was finally able to breath again. When I look up however, my eyes was met by a scowling Genie, her arms crossed in front of her chest. I look down in embarrassment.

"Jeed!" she hollered and the girl called came quickly.

"Can you call CEO and tell her we'll arrive atleast 10 minutes late because of an emergency?" she asked and Jeed just nodded before she left again. I looked at my watch, 7:40.

"Shall we go now, the CEO is really scary when his wishes aren't granted" I tried to speak but her glare didn't soften.

"Are you going to make us responsible for your death?" she asked in a chilly voice and she sounded angry.

"What! Of course not!" I exclaimed. Why'd she say that?

"Finish your food, and eat PROPERLY, I'll watch you" she didn't answer my question instead sat down in front of me. I would argue but her scary look made me hold my spoon and eat.

I tried to eat fast again but she huffed.

"I didn't come to Korea to be a murderer, please eat normally or you will choke yourself to death" she spoke but now gently. I looked up at her and finally understood her words.

I then continued eating still a little fast but I made sure to chew the food properly before swallowing it. In that case, I won't choke again. When I'm done, I hurriedly placed my plate in the sink and grabbed my things.

"Let's go" I said and rushed to the door but she blocked my way.

"Unnie, you just ate, please just walk, no need to run" she reminded and walked ahead of me.

"I'm sorry we didn't wake you up earlier. This won't happen again" she continued speaking with gentleness in her voice.

I just kept silent and followed her out. When the younger girls saw us, they stood up and picked their things then we left our dorm.

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