Chapter 28 Day 1 at Jeju

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"I said I wonder who picked out a cave for the first day here?" I lied.

"Oh, who did?" Chaeyoung asked the girls who look back at her clueless as well.

"I think we just saw it as a must to see here while we're looking for the best spots, and added it" Jeed explained making me chuckle.

"And here I thought you really planned this well. And air balloon flying?" I asked the younger girls.

"Unnie mentioned it and it sounds exciting we just added it on the list" Blythe answered. I clucked my tongue.

"I'd like to see the Manjanggul Cave, but I wanna cross that air balloon out of the list" I spoke with authority.

"But it was all planned now Genie" Jeed refuted.

"Oh well, if you insist, you can go by yourself, I'd rather come back here, and unnie, I think you won't go without me yeah?" I asked Chaeyoung. She slowly nodded.

"Hey Genie, and why are you pulling out Chaeyoung unnie from the fun? If you don't wanna go, let the three of us go" Blythe complained.

When her words replayed in my mind, I tensed, pulling her out of the fun?, right, I unintentionally did. I was just thinking she might not want to go since it's another memory spot with Lisa. I kinda zoned out that the next time I was snapped back to the room, our breakfast was delivered.

"Oh sorry, let's eat then" I moved over to the table and quietly ate. I felt someone looking at me so I glanced up at unnie. I gave her a 'what' look.

She gave me a thumbs up making me confused. What for? I looked at the younger girls who are talking with each other, obviously excited for the day's activity. When they're done, they excused themselves to go and prepare.

"I'm sorry if I have to pull you out of some fun unnie" I apologized still looking at my now empty plate.

I felt fingers grazing my chin and she lift it up, making me look at her.

"You really left Earth a while ago huh, I told the girls and I'll tell you again, I don't really wanna go there again. After the experience the last time we were there, I told myself not to ride it again. I also told them you know about it and since you yourself is afraid of flying, we have a reason to vetoe from the activity" she explained. I then nodded relieved.

"They will still go, but I don't wanna stay here the whole time after the cave, wanna go out with me?" she asked and I chuckled.

"That sounds as if you're asking me for a date unnie, I got goosebumps, look" I joked but truth is I really do.

"Why, bestfriends can't go on a date?" she asked unamused. She's serious.

"Can't, you experienced it first hand" I replied as serious as well. She sighed.

"Just kidding unnie, just kidding, don't be sad. There's a difference I know, so where are you planning to go?" I asked and she smiled again.

"I actually have no idea" she laughed and I joined her.

"Okay, let's think about that later, for now, I think we should hurry up and change because the girls will be here in a minute" I suggested and we did.

I'm done first, on my black fitted jeans, white inner, and I threw over a faded maong jacket. I braided the sides of my hair so that it won't get in the way in case it will be too windy outside. I slip on a basketball shoes just as the girls came barging in.

I'm glad to know no one wore dress because I'm ready to bully her if ever. I checked their clothes and shoes and nodded to myself. They definitely was aware of the situation that would assault us.

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