Chapter 27 The Deserter and the Saviour

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I helped them in finishing the cooking and it seems Genie kept track of the time because exactly 15 minutes after I left, she joined us and we have dinner together. The girls didn't pester her about coming anymore, to her relief, I think.

7pm, the three of us are now all ready to go, our suit cases by the door. They look at me then we all look at Genie's door. Time to say goodbye to her huh? We are to step toward it when it opened and out came a suitcase followed by Genie dressed to leave as well. I instantly smiled happily.

"Genie! You're coming after all!" Jeed squealed and went to hug her.

"It's great to know you decided to come after all Genie" Blythe smiled as she went and hug her as well.

When my turn came, I smiled at her genuinely and engulfed her in a bear hug whispering 'Thank You' in her ear.

"I'm coming on one condition" she spoke. Eh? Isn't that too late now?

"What is it?" I asked amused.

"My wish is your command" she replied seriously and the younger girls laughed.

"But it was you who's named Genie here girl" Jeed teased but she remained serious.

"Okay" I replied making them look at me weirdly as if asking are you dead serious we will become slaves.

"Good then, start with carrying my suitcase down, let's go, it's past 7 now"  she put on an evil smile and walked out. What?

"Yah unnie, why'd you say okay? You carry her suit case, it was you after all who agreed" Jeed pouted and I pouted back.

However, given no choice, I dragged two suit cases to the elevator and to the van. Actually, she didn't leave empty handed anyway. Her guitar, and no, not my gift but her own accoustic one, is strapped on her shoulders. Manager Dong-il loaded everything in the back after commenting on our attires.

"You girls look dangerously gorgeous in those black and white attires" he praised.

That's right. It has been our signature attire, after all our group is named TWILIGHTS. We are just dressing to it and amazingly, it suits all of us. It is actually Genie's idea, to which the younger girls immediately agreed. Since I love Black and White as well, having a lot of white shirts and inners and black coats, jackets, and jeans, I don't have to be convince, instantly we all clicked as to our clothing taste, simple but elegant.

Traffic was unbelievably a little tight that I'm afraid we won't make it to our flight. Thankfully, we arrived on time at the airport.

When the van stopped at the airport, I sighed to see groups of people obviously waiting for us. We might have a fan inside the airport and has tipped the public of our departure today. Not that I hate seeing them but sometimes, some are crossing the line making it hard to even pass through them. Another thing is that the girl sitting beside me sighed loudly as she fidgeted on her seat. I've realized that she hates crowded places in the past weeks and her anxiety tends to build up.

We all put on our masks then I opened the door and came out when I noticed the security team outside. I waited for Genie to follow me out and I linked my arms with her. She's really starting to be perplexed as the fans started screaming for us.

"Just relax and do a little waving. They atleast deserved to be acknowledged" I whispered as I kept her close.

The security is walking on either sides with us, protecting us from anyone who might attempt to invade our personal space. The flashes of cameras would be enough to light our way, kidding. It's almost blinding but I have been used to it and is smiling at the fans while waving with my free hand and walking in a fast pace. I actually have to keep up with Genie, who has her shades on so she has no trouble with the camera flashes.

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