Chapter 26 Good Days

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We're all seated at the table now, freshly bathe and has changed for workout clothes. I glanced at Genie seated in front of me and I can't help but wonder why did Chaeyoung unnie came from her room earlier. She might have went to wake Genie up. But that's unlikely. Genie is an early riser.

"Is there dirt in my face Blythe?" Genie have noticed me looking at her.

"Uh no, I wanna ask" I replied plainly because that's what she told me a while ago right. Chaeyoung however choked and Genie has to rush to bring her water. When she was fine, Jeed looked at me and Genie.

"Ask her what Blythe?" she asked. Chaeyoung fidgeted on her seat while Genie grinned. Okay, what's the matter.

"Yeah Blythe, ask me now" Genie replied before filling her mouth with food.

"Why did you two came out of the same room earlier?" I asked pointing at them two. Jeed gasped.

"You what? Did you two sleep together?" Jeed asked.

"Mmm" Genie answered nodding as her mouth is still stuffed with food. I think she intentionally did it not to answer questions.

"Ow, did you use protection?" Jeed casually asked and Genie's eyes widened in horror at Jeed. Chaeyoung face palmed herself. I looked at Jeed disbelieving. Seriously?

"Jeed, what are you talking about?" I scolded my bestfriend.

"But on second thought, did you?" I repeated her question however to tease the now embarrassed unnie line.

"Oh my gosh you two. In the past years I've been with you, you always acted and sounded proper you got me believing you're still minors and innocent. But now, you two are unbelievable" Genie finally spoke after swallowing her food, shaking her head.

"Well I'm 23 and Blythe is 22, plus the two of us have been reading and watching..." Jeed blurted out and I cut her by slamming my hand on her mouth.

"Jeed! Oh my gosh" I screamed making Chaeyoung laugh.

"You have been reading and watching porns? Oh my gosh, I should have known. In that case, I'm the new maknae here" Genie answered seriously shaking her head.

"What! Genie No! Jeed you idiot! She means to say we were reading and watching sex-free atypical stories!" I explained in a high pitched voice.

"Sex-free? Then why are you blushing?" Genie asked me and I face palmed myself.

"Out of embarrassment" I murmured and Chaeyoung laughed heartily.

"Why are you embarrassed when it's you who insisted in joining me to watch those?" Jeed asked me making me blush harder. I've thought of a way to get away from these and a light bulb showed up.

"Then, did you two use protection?" I asked the unnie line again. Chaeyoung stopped laughing and it's her turn to blush. I grinned.

"Blythe, I didn't know if you've learned this at school or not, but I did, that a girl cannot impregnate a person of the same gender manually, so why use protection?" she asked making my jaw dropped.

"What are you implying Genie? Oh my gosh!" Jeed squealed, making Chaeyoung stood up from the table.

"Hey hey hey, stop that, we only cu..." Chaeyoung defended them but Genie cut her off.

"We only slept side by side, that's it, you green minded children! Now finish your food, manager is about to arrive" she snapped at us, making me and Jeed grinned.

"You two slept cuddling together? how sweet, Blythe, maybe we could do it too, huh? Bestfriend?" Jeed asked me winking but I grimaced.

"No, please no, I don't wish to sleep with an octopus, my gosh" I replied dramatically. Truth is we sometimes sleep side by side but she is a messy sleeper and I hate it so I often excuse myself to sleep alone.

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