Chapter 15 Preparations Part 1

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After dinner, we moved to the living room to digest the food and pass time. To my surprise however, Genie started speaking about budgeting our cash allowance. When she opened up about the subject, I glanced at Jeed who was grinning, trying to keep herself from laughing. Now I understand about that food allocation she was talking about last time.

I focused back on Genie and smiled as well. So, this person likes things to be well-planned and organized. I felt a little embarrassed. That should be my job right?

Much to my delight, no disagreement occured. It seems like we all understand our current situation, which is the best. More like we just revised their original budget before I came on the picture. This time, our budget was almost doubled. We really increased the allocation for food, and adjusted the other expenses. What made me respect them is that they left some as savings, labeling it for emergency purposes. All the money was allocated for essential purposes only, making me question if I am spending my money wisely as they do.

After everything is settled, I decided to pass on the allowance to Genie and let her handle the expenses. Just by listening to her during our session, I know she is capable of it. She was hesitant at first but accepted it after the younger girls helped me to persuade her, and believe me, they know how to persuade her quick.

We had already retired to bed but that Rule of Thirds that Genie mentioned at the kitchen is still troubling my mind. Rule of Thirds? What's that? When I looked at the younger girls, there face showed nothing to answer my question. I tried asking them if they have any idea of what their unnie has just said but they said they don't know anything about it either. Ehh?

I opened my laptop and searched about it in the internet. I found something pertaining to music but I don't think she means those. With a sigh, I closed my laptop and took my phone, opening my Instagram.

I'm still using my official instagram account. Not because Blackpink disbanded means I'm not going to use this anymore. Afterall I'm the one who created and used it all these years. This has been one of my means to connect with our fans and I would continue using it with the same purpose.

I scrolled through the tagged posts. Well, for an account who follows no one even my own members, my notification never rested, all thanks to the tags and mentions.

A post caught my attention. It is by a Chaelisa Fanpage. It is showing a clip from one of our VLives. To be specific, the clip where Lisa asked me if I love her.

"Do you really love me, Do you really?" she asked.

"Yes I love you" I replied.

"How much? How much do you love me?" she asked.

"I love you a lot" I replied.

"A lot? A lot is not enough" she complained


"It's not enough" she insisted.

"I love you a ton!" I then replied.

"A ton? As much as the universe!"

"Uh, I'm not sure about the universe" I replied laughing, pretending to think and her face turned sour.

"You're so mean" she whined.

"I'm just kidding. I love you as much as the universe" I confirmed and she smiled.

The video was captioned, missing Chaelisa VLives, it's really heartbreaking to know that Lisa went home to Thailand and they seems distant nowadays..... Hoping for Chaelisa contents soon @lalalisa_m @roses_are_rosie,,,

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