Chapter 32: Alone

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This chapter contains themes of an abusive relationship, mental and physical. Take care of yourselves

I was locked in my bedroom for the remainder of yesterday and all last night. I was finally let out a few hours ago. I made a fruit salad and watched some cartoons. I didn't complain this time. I didn't want to be locked away again. Not to mention the guard said next time would be worst.

I was so bored. I had tried to hang out with the guards but it appeared they didn't want me around. I was able to find a few books to read to pass the time but I finished those within days.

Tomorrow Lars will be visiting and maybe I can ask him for more books. I was so excited to see him. I missed him so much. I know he's busy with work and all but I can't help but be selfish wanting his presence.

Next day

I waited by the front door practically bouncing in place, excited to see Lars.

Yesterday I made sure the house was spotless. Today I dressed in nicer clothes for him, hoping he'd appreciate the effort. I was pulled from my thoughts when a car pulled into the driveway.

Soon enough Lars opened the door and I jumped into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" I practically screamed.

"Shhh don't forget you can't be too loud."

"Right sorry" I whispered jokingly. He smiled at my humor which made me beam. I wanted his approval and attention so bad. His love was the only true connection I ever felt. All the others were a lie. He helped me realize that.

"Can we go for a walk?!" I jumped up and down.

"Sure. Go put a coat on and we can head out."

That's exactly what we did. We strolled hand in hand through the forest. I listened intently to all his stories about the past week. He did so many things it flooded my bored brain with fun images of the clubs he went to, his friend's house, work, etc.

We didn't talk about what I had been up to but that's okay because I hadn't been doing much anyway.

"I was thinking... Can I maybe have some more books? To pass the time?" I asked giving my best puppy dog eyes.

"What's wrong with the ones here?"

"Well, I already read them!"

"Aurora... It would be such a hassle. I'm too busy to go get them so I'd have to send one of my men. And god knows they'll bother me with a bunch of questions on where to get them and which to buy. It's just not worth it."

I couldn't help but tear up a little. I was bored out of my mind and I thought what I asked was small enough. Even if they were used books I didn't care. Lars caught on to my shift in attitude.

"Don't be a spoiled brat. I did all of this for you. Loved you endlessly for nearly a decade and you can't just appreciate it? God, do you even care for me?"

"Yes. Yes of course I do! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset. You're right you already provided so much. I'm sorry." I smiled, hoping he could see how sorry I am.

He deeply sighed. "I'll forgive you. I'll always love you no matter how poorly you treat me sometimes" He gave a small smile.

The backhanded comment left me feeling uneasy. Kane would have bought me the books.

What. No

He only would have done that to score points with me, make me fall deeper so he could laugh with my family and his friends. Stupid. Lars's love was true, right. Our bond was about our feelings, not materialistic things.

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