Chapter 21: Vase

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Days turned into weeks, Kane and I getting closer, continuously torturing each other sexually, spending every night together. I was getting addicted, I wanted to spend every second with him. Even if I was with him I was still needy for his attention.

I had just gotten out of the shower and threw on a sleep set for the night. Waiting for Kane to join me.

I was sitting there staring at nothing in particular when I heard a loud thud followed by glass breaking. What the fuck. Then the house turned into a war zone. I heard gunshot after gunshot and continuous sounds of things breaking, and being thrown. Who knows.

I stood abruptly from bed in fear. What should I do? Should I hide? Just then someone burst through the door nearly causing a heart attack. Kane!

"Hide! Stay low and hidden. And no matter what don't come out!"

"Wait what! What's going on? Kane! Tell me"

"We are under attack, I'm not sure who it is yet, or what they want but I have to keep you safe. I'll be back in no time but stay here!"

"No, please. Take me with you! I don't want to be alone please!"

"Stay, please" He then kissed me on the forehead and left without another word.

Oh my god. I frantically search around the room for a place to hide. Running into the closet I decided to hide behind my clothing racks, using the clothing to cover me from view. I crouched down and waited. Waited for it to stop. Waited for Kane to come back. I just wanted to cuddle in bed.

I've been sitting in silence for so long, that I'm not sure how much time has passed. But Kane still Isn't back and I start really freaking out. What if he's hurt?!

I should go help right?

No, he told you to stay here.

But he could be hurt, or dying, or dead!

My conscious argues with itself, but my anxiety and feelings for Kane win. I hope he doesn't kill me for not listening to him. I slowly rise from my hiding spot and creep towards the door.

I peel the door open slightly and listen down the hall. It has for the most part quieted down. Only a few random shots and heavy footsteps can be heard now. Maybe we won? Why hasn't Kane come back then? Or anyone? With that In mind, I open the door the rest of the way and make my way down the hall.

I don't think I've walked more quietly or deliberately in my life. I try to remember every creek on the floor, luckily I have socks on that soften my footsteps. I continue down the hall till I come to a halt.

I nearly scream, there lays a dead body, blood pooled around the guy. Bile rises in my throat at the scene. I can't throw up. It's too loud. Tears pick my eyes as I walk over to the lifeless body. I don't know if he's ours or theirs but it doesn't matter. He probably had family or a dog.

I let myself silently cry and freak out for 30 seconds until I get my head straight and try to put a game face on. I then realize the man has a gun in his hand. Shit, I might need that. Luckily it isn't too tight in his grip but its soaked in his blood. The warm sticky feeling made me gag. I look away from the sight as I try to wipe off the remaining liquid on the man's coat.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper to the man before I rise. I take out the mag to see it nearly full with bullets. I snap the mag back into place and take a deep breath. Once upon a time dad insisted my sister and I do some light gun training in case of an emergency, but that was over 5 years ago. Nonetheless, I try to achieve any information that might help me right now. I continue down the path towards the balcony.

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