Chapter 25: Secrets

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Chapter 25:

What you missed in the last chapter if you decided to skip: They had mind-blowing sex.

Kanes POV:

We lay there in silence. Both still awake too distracted and stimulated at what had just occurred. I absent-mindedly traced my fingers over her exposed back. God, she was perfect. And she was all mine. I was so lucky, so grateful to have spent the past few months in her presence. I loved her with my whole heart. But it hurt seeing her these past few weeks.

When I met her I had known at first sight she was hurting inside. She was carrying around a load of baggage. She had yet to open up to me, to tell me what she had been through to make her hurt, what had her up at night crying, what killed the light in her eyes.

And over the past few months, I couldn't help but to feel pride. Her eyes started to twinkle again and I couldn't help but think that I might have been the cause. All I ever wanted was to show her that life was worth living, even if I had trouble remembering that myself sometimes.

But these past few weeks, after the accident. She shut down. She was ten times worst than when I had first met her. I know part of it was the accident. But it seemed that there was more to it. That something had gotten triggered deep within her. It's like she wasn't there.

She was a shell of a person, her soul gone off to some deep horrid memory. Leaving her in my arms to blankly stare at the wall for hours, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. I couldn't get her to do anything. She wouldn't eat, she never slept, and if she did she woke up screaming.

I had long disregarded the worry I felt if her family found out about us. All that mattered was my Aurora and no one could take me from her. I made her previous bodyguard switch with me, much to Rose's disapproval.

Aurora's state was killing me. When we found her barely alive in the woods, I was a wreck, and I didn't hide it. I never left her side, even when her family came to check-in. She was originally taken to a hospital for her initial surgery. Multiple wounds needed stitches, the worst being her stomach, where she had lost too much blood. Bruises littered her body, a concussion caused by head trauma, two broken ribs, and one broken finger. I had no idea what had happened from when she was taken to when she was found.

Her family eventually decided to transfer her care back to the house. I overheard them talking about how it was too much of an inconvenience having to take the 20-minute drive from their house. I didn't care though, it was easier for me to look after her this way. No doctors were in the way to tell me to leave her side. The at-home nurse had tried once, to get me to leave the room or at least back away. But after receiving a look from me she didn't ask me again.

I thought that was the worst week of my life, however after she awoke. I realized I was wrong. Now, I watched her suffer mentally and emotionally as well. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what needed to be done. So instead of trying to figure out how to help her out of her mind, I helped her with her daily life.

I fed her the few bites of soft foods she would eat. I refilled her water. Changed her clothes, and bathed her, held her at night when she woke up crying, begging for it to stop. I did all the things she physically couldn't. I don't know if that was the right choice or not. But after seeing her tonight I hope it was.

Tonight her eyes sparkled and her heartbeat rapidly against my chest. She said my name with meaning and touched me like I was her lifeline. She cried tears of joy instead of anguish and I almost cried with her. I was so relieved to see her back in the present. And to think she came to my room on her own, consciously. My heart swelled. I know she loved me and I could die happy knowing she came to me when she needed someone.

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