As she walked through the halls, she knocked all the other guards out as well. She came to a room that a guard was outside of, but now unconscious on the floor, and she entered the room.

Her vines had carried the unconscious guard away to have him out of eyesight. She smiled at the fat, Russian oligarch who was surrounded by prostitutes that were probably trafficked.

It made her blood boil as the Russian oligarch looked at her hungrily, "Poison Ivy! I must've been a very good boy this year."

The guards in the room laughed and she smiled, "Well, it is your lucky day."

She swayed her hips as she approached him. She stopped with a smile before she leaned in, kissing his cheek and she gave him a poison kiss.

Then she whispered in his ear as he started to choke, "You better hope it was a good year because today is your last."

White veins spread out on his face as he started to salivate and choke. Blood gushed from out of his nose. Then he fell to the ground as the poison traveled to his heart, stopping it. On his dead body was the imprint of a kiss on his cheek.

The guards had been freaking out and screaming at her but she flung her hand out and they went flying back into the wall. The force of it was so harsh it probably shattered bones but she didn't like the way they laughed.

Jane looked at the girls who were huddled in a corner and terrified. She gave them a gentle smile, "It's okay now. You're free."

But she wasn't.

She took pictures of the dead body of the oligarch and left.


Jane arrived back at the warehouse with the proof that the man was dead. She handed her phone with the pictures to Butcher.

"How did it go? Did you get hurt?" Butcher asked.

"No," she said solemnly as she headed towards the back. "Just tell me when you get the location to the lab."


After a couple of hours, Butcher got the location. She had watched the Russian news in that time and it showed that Neuman turned on Stan Edgar. Which meant that Edgar was out as CEO and Homelander controlled the company. He was even more powerful and unstoppable.

Now they were at the lab and she was acting as a distraction while still wearing her white dress and heels. The rest of the gang were supposed to sneak in while she took out the guards at the front.

She went up to guards on top of the walls at the entrance and smiled. They held up their guns but she kept her smile.

"There's no need for violence, boys. Don't you know a party when you see one?" she said seductively.

The guards looked at each other, unsure, which allowed her enough time to make the ground shake and the walls to crack. Her vines grew over the crumbling walls and started grabbing the guards. They were held up high in the air as they all screamed.

poison ivy - the boysWhere stories live. Discover now