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"i'm sorry for strangling you with my true love."

I'm sorry when I love you unconditionally even after you wanted me to stay away and move on.

... if my care appeared as pestering.

... if my love appeared as torture.

... if not moving on appeared as my weakness.

... if not letting you go, appeared as stubbornness.

... if I have ever made you fear by showing my vulnerability.

... if I have ever made you freak out by showing my endless love

... if everything appeared to you as whiny.

... if everyone misled you that I whined when I was probably trying to be understood.

... if my intentions of wanting to be understood appeared as clingy.

"I'm really sorry."

It was all because I truly love you unconditionally. Even after you broke my heart a million times, those million pieces still love you to the truest of its senses.

Because that is what love is all about. UNCONDITIONAL.

All I wanted to say to your deafening silence when you cut me off from your life and left is that

"Staying away and no communication is never a solution to anything in life."

I can delete your photos, videos, your contact number and emails, as you wished me to stay away from you— but not your inanimate presence, your voice and your essence in my life.

"I can't see you that way. I just see you as a friend and I just want you to stay away from me because I don't want to hurt you anymore"

I am not crying because it ended. But because I still love you—even after you ended it and ignored me completely.

the unanswered calls, 

the unreturned texts messages. 

Tears starts rolling down my cheeks, when I guide your hair behind your ears.

Staring in the picture of ours, a picture that speaks a thousand of words.

Every love story doesn't have a happy ending, because true love doesn't have an end. 

I still love you in silence. Because I know you cannot reject me there.

It is okay to cry. It happens when we hold someone so close to our heart that it just tears us apart when that someone leaves.

"What would make a person cry?" I asked.

"Two obvious reasons. Physical pain and emotional pain."  You answered.

Physical pain can be dealt with. Emotional pain is not.

After all, we are humans. We have emotions and we are sometimes emotionally weak too.

A broken heart,

Nights alone in misery,

the pain of depression and isolation,

—it could very well make anyone taste their own tears.

I don't know if I will ever be able to move on and truly love someone else as much as I love you, but know that this heart will still continue to skip a beat for you and love you to the core.

Letting go is easier said than done. 

It is tough to let go of someone who you love with the whole heart and to the truest of your senses.

"But for your happiness, the last thing that I can do is to let you go."for at least you will be happy.

I have learnt to live with that pain. I have learnt to emotionally detach myself and be strong.

Know that someday when we looked back, you will also realize that I never whined




I was just trying to be understood

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