Chapter 4: Getting to Know You

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"I can't believe that anyone would do something that horrible to you." Jin whispers and shakes his head in disbelief. "I met the sperm donor when I was 18. He was a senior in the same university I was in. He was popular because he's from a wealthy family. He was handsome, but not nearly as handsome as you. Anyways, I was a freshman and easily flustered. He must have enjoyed making me blush because he did whatever he could to fluster me. Eventually, I had a crush, and he knew it. Before I knew it, I was in a janitor's closet losing what all omegas hold dear until we mate. I honestly don't know how it happened. It was so fast. I know he said some sweet things then brushed his fingers across my skin and set me on fire. We never officially dated. He had an alpha girlfriend that everyone thought he would mate. For some reason they broke up. He told me it was because he wanted to be with me. I believed him and thought he loved me. What I didn't know was that he had many others and an even wealthier female alpha waiting to mate him. 

One day, I was vomiting and really sick, so I took a pregnancy test just to see. To my horror, the little lines appeared. I was terrified to tell him. When I went to tell him, he told me that he was getting married because his family was forcing him to, and that he wouldn't mark her because he loved me, so I quickly told him that I was pregnant. He was furious and hit me multiple times. I stood there, frozen in my spot. He yelled and demanded that I get rid of my pup then stormed out of the room. I sobbed right then and there. My lip was busted and my nose was bleeding. I waited for him until he returned from his honeymoon then I saw the mate marks on their shoulders, and I knew that I was just something to toy with. When he looked at me, there was disgust in his eyes. He stormed over to me and grabbed me by the throat then yelled, demanding a desperate whore like me to leave and never return as long as I still had my pup. In that moment, I decided to keep my pup. I would never let anyone hurt Little One. I ran the moment he threw me across the room. I went home to my parents, but they cursed me out and kicked me out. I had dishonored my family. They were disgusted by me. After that, I was completely alone and terrified. No one would hire me since I was an abandoned, pregnant omega. I lived off of whatever food I could find.

Then, one cold, rainy night, this handsome and kind alpha pulled me into his world and refuses to let go. I'm no longer cold an alone." Jin whispers towards the end as tears fall down his cheeks. He finally has someone to tell his story to. There is finally someone who will listen and comfort him.

Namjoon suddenly sobs and pulls Jin into his arms. Jin smiles as his tears stream down his face. He gently runs his fingers through Namjoon's silver hair then presses a soft kiss on the alpha's forehead.

"I will never allow anyone mistreat you. You will always be able to eat whatever you want because I will cook it for you. You and Little One will only know warmth and safety from now on. I promise." Namjoon cries and holds the pregnant omega close.

"I know, and I trust you." Jin smiles and cups Namjoon's face.

As the two wolves bond, Little One slowly begins to take on the alpha's scent as his father. When it comes time for Namjoon to leave for work, he frets and threatens to take the day off, but Jin giggles and makes the worried alpha go to work.

When Namjoon walks into the kitchen, his co-workers look at him with raised eyebrows because this is the first time he has arrived with the scent of an omega on him.

"What?" Namjoon grumbles and trudges past them.

"Why do you smell like a very sweet scented omega?" His sous chef grins and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Because my mate is pregnant." Namjoon deadpans and changes into his uniform.

"Your what is what?!" The sous chef shouts in shock.

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